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Der Begriff annually wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

in Fernsehserien wie Messias (2005), Doctor Who (2007, 2010), Annually Retentive (2007), Being Human (seit 2008) und Little Dorrit (2008). … there was an amazing number of sturdy brats annually born unto the state, without the license of the law, or the benefit of clergy; and it … Einzelnachweise : Usually updated annually. The year of publication follows (if known): Luzerne/1980 . 1190503 mi²) annually contributes 30,200 ft³/s 667090 | Big Brown Creek | accessdate 2012-05-06 158094 | Tombigbee River | accessdate 2012-05-05 . … 2001: Correlation and synchronisation of Lateglacial continental sequences in northern central Europe based on annually laminated … Titel Annually dated late Weichselian continental paleoclimate record from the Eifel, Germany | Autor Bernd Zolitschka, Achim Brauer, Jörg … The seasonal card, to be renewed annually, serves also as a permit for hunting on a variety of small game. For a number of major game … Zitat: „It was in 1850 that the first ever Wenlock Olympian Games took place in Much Wenlock and they are still held here annually“. … supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniences of life which it annually consumes, and which consist always either in the immediate … Child of Our Time, following the lives of a group of children, all born in 2000, as they grow to the age of 20; BBC 2000, and annually … Titel Correlation and synchronisation of Lateglacial continental sequences in northern central Europe based on annually laminated … Geschichte : List of Christmas carols now annually printed. Auch in seiner 1843 erschienenen Weihnachtsgeschichte A Christmas Carol zitiert … mysterious disappearances of well-found vessels which are reported annually from the Atlantic are connected with these dangerous hidden reefs. … during the past 11 000 years based on annually laminated lacustrine maar sediments | Sammelwerk Boreas | Band 38 | Seiten 679–690 Autor Dahl, S. … Jahr 2001 | Titel Correlation and synchronisation of Lateglacial continental sequences in northern central Europe based on annually … Feather, From Satchmo to Miles, spricht von 50.000 Dollar worth of work annually, upwards, z.B. für Lester Young. Gelly Being Prez, S. … based on annually laminated lacustrine sediments | Sammelwerk Quarternary Science Reviews | Band 20 | Seiten 1233–1249 Autor Overbeck, F. | … of men in the United States have been stalked at some time in their life; an estimated 1,006,970 women and 370,990 men are stalked annually. … Congress annually determines the number of Soldiers the Army can maintain in the Regular Army.“, in: Field Manual 1, Abschnitt 2-34 … Can somebody mention, that annually the famous rowing races "Head of the River" and "Heineken Roeivierkamp" are being held on the river ? … In meiner Referenz steht Folgendes: Question: Annually, the people of the Duke of York Islands send a canoe out into the ocean loaded with … is awarded annually to the OHL Scholastic Player of the Year who best combines high standards of play and academic excellence. -span … The Vilnius City credit rating was established in 2002 and is now annually updated by the international credit rating agency Standard & … "Extremely detailed, the Watchtower Society registers the missionary efforts of its adherents, publishing them annually and monthly. … Goddess herself was entitled Melissa, the queen bee "who annually killed her male consort"; and a golden honeycomb was on display as her symbol. …

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