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Der Begriff approximately wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Mr D Nesbitt Approximately 140 Yards (126 Metres) South of White Rose Inn, Chapel Farmhouse, Chapel of St James, Cottage Approximately 100 Yards (90 Wahrscheinlich Annähernd Richtiges Lernen (WARL) oder englisch Probably approximately correct learning (PAC learning) ist ein Framework für das maschinelle Queen Jane Approximately ist ein Folk-Rocksong des US-amerikanischen Singer-Songwriters Bob Dylan, der erstmals am 30. August 1965 auf seinem Album Highway Beschreibung 1 El Fortin del Cibolo Historic District 6995040606. April 1995 Approximately 4 mi. NW of Shafter, W of US 67 Shafter 95000366 2 El Paisano Hotel nicht asymptotisch gleich U+2245 (8773) ≅≅ APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO ungefähr gleich U+2246 (8774) ≆≆ APPROXIMATELY BUT NOT ACTUALLY EQUAL TO ungefähr, aber Abkürzung für: PAC-Datei, Proxy Auto-Config PAC-Learning, Probably Approximately Correct Learning, Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz P1 Artificial Capacity: 11 soldiers plus pilot. They were used for supplying partisans. Approximately 600 were built. See [1] (in Russian). Pibwl 21:04, 27. Mär. 2007 (CEST) 2009.  „Red Hat will acquire JBoss for approximately $350 million in initial consideration, plus approximately $70 million subject to the achievement exposure time for a noontime image on the surface of Mars (tau = 0.5) is approximately 0.25 s." - aber wenn 1/3 Sekunde das Maximum wäre, wäre da nicht mehr aus endlichdimensionalen C*-Algebren aufbauen lassen, AF steht für approximately finite (fast endlich). Diese C*-Algebren lassen sich mittels K-Theorie former chess champion of the world. Karpov is now a wealthy man, worth approximately $2 billion. Is it the pursuit of lucre that has kept Karpov from playing not an acronym (PMID 10882540): "VGF (non-acronymic) was identified approximately 15 years ago as a nerve growth factor (NGF)-regulated transcript in learning theory (Einführung des PAC-Modells des Maschinenlernens: Probably Approximately Correct Learning), parallelem Rechnen, neuronalem Rechnen, Evolutions-Modellen 6993062323. Juni 1993 Between TX 4 (Boca Chica Hwy.) and the Rio Grande, approximately 12 mi. E of Brownsville Brownsville 93000266 20 Palo Alto Battlefield 49 Jefferson 69000209 8 Hodge-Taylor House 6997032121. März 1997 Approximately 1 mi. SW of jct. of US 59 and TX 49, W. Jefferson 97000259 9 Jefferson about 400,000 black plastic 4-inch balls as the first installment of approximately 3 million to form a floating cover over 7 acres of the reservoir to residues, and a dp of approximately 45. The fructan from Pucinella peisonis was slightly branched, with a dp of approximately 10 and a (2-->6)-linked erhalten Anti-Flag, eine politisch engagierte Punkband aus Pittsburgh, USA approximately finite, siehe AF-C*-Algebra Arbeiterfestspiele, ein jährlich stattfindendes Einwohner (EW), amtliche Statistik Mann, insb. militärisch Persons approximately (pax), Maßeinheit für Passagiere (ICAO-Code), Gäste, Veranstaltungsbesucher Automobilhersteller ein Motor-Prototyp, siehe Megola PAX, pax, PaX, Kürzel: Persons approximately, Maßeinheit für Passagiere (ICAO-Code), Gäste, Besucher, siehe Hilfsmaßeinheit Hill Methodist Church 6996021616. Februar 1996 Co. Rd. 89 S side, approximately 750 ft. W of jct. with Co. Rd. 49 Spring Hill 96000110 18 The Tavern Athens 86001043 8 Joel Eddins House 6996091212. September 1996 Rt. 2, approximately .5 mi. NW of jct. of AL 53 and Elkwood Section Rd. Ardmore 96001004 the heat necessary to raise 0.238 grammes of water 1° Centigrade, or, approximately, the ⅟₁₀₀₀th part of the arbitrary unit of a pound of water raised 1° Fahrenheit Jun. 2008 (CEST)) Auch: siehe dazu Pax (Begriffsklärung) „Persons approximately, siehe Passagier“ -- Nolispanmo Disk. Hilfe? 14:44, 19. Jun. 2008 (CEST) the most significant economic activity in the Jervis Bay Territory. Approximately 450,000 tourists visit each year including day-trippers and campers

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