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Quelle: Marie-Eve Bordeleau et al. Functional characterization of IRESes by an inhibitor of the RNA helicase eIF4A.Nature Chemical Biology 2006 Apr;2(4):213-20 Redecke 13:07, 15. Sep 2006 (CEST) Lit: Fachliteratur dazu: Molecular Characterization and Inhibition of Amanitin Uptake into Human Hepatocytes. K. Letschert Chem. 2008 Nov 14;283(46):31333-40. Epub 2008 Sep 22. Biophysical characterization of the interaction between hepatic glucokinase and its regulatory protein: darstellt). 1980 erhielt er den Colepreis in Algebra (für seine Arbeit A characterization of Chevalley groups over fields of odd order). 1990 wurde er in die pressure reaction cells that are combined with ultra high vacuum surface characterization chambers, sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy, müssen, aber bitte. Siehe Crowther, T.G, Wade, A.P., Wentzell, P.D., "Characterization of acoustic emission from an electrolysis cell", Analytica Chimica in prehistoric central and Eastern Europe, and it's trace element characterization - An analytically-based study of archaeological obsidian in Central Current Biology. Nr. 9, 1999, S. 959–962.  T. J. Smith, S. J. Foster: Characterization of the involvement of two compensatory autolysins in mother cell lysis  197–225. PMID 12164478. M. Watanabe, Y. Aoyagi u.a.: Separation and characterization of individual mycolic acids in representative mycobacteria. In: Microbiology Characterization of the Monte Arci (Sardinia) Obsidian sources. Journal of Archaeological Science 24, 1997, 469 V. Francaviglia, Characterization of S. 139–151. PMID 16893070 (Review) A. López-Lera u. a.: Molecular characterization of three new mutations causing C5 deficiency in two non-related families A. Lee, Craig Behnke, Martha J. Powell, Robert C. McBride (2013): Characterization of Amoeboaphelidium protococcarum, an Algal Parasite New to the Cryptomycota abgerufen am 7. Juni 2014. D. Mazel, S. Pochet, P. Marlière: Genetic characterization of polypeptide deformylase, a distinctive enzyme of eubacterial translation Rasheed, W. A. Nelson-Rees, E. M. Toth, P. Arnstein, M. B. Gardner: Characterization of a newly derived human sarcoma cell line (HT-1080) Cancer. 1974 Apr;33(4) Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 383, S. 163ff. D. B. Pavani, E. Bica: "Characterization of open cluster remnants"; in: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 468 procollagenase and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinases. Identification, characterization, and regulation. (PDF) In: The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 262 75: S. 1129-1136 Frantz C., Ebel C., Paulus F., Imbault P. (2000): Characterization of trans-splicing in euglenoids. Curr. Genet. 37: S. 349-355 Adl, Volltext). Characterization of the 1918 influenza virus polymerase genes. In: Nature. Bd. 437, 2005, S. 889–893 (6. Oct.), ISSN 0028-0836 Characterization of promovierte 1970 an der Princeton University bei Daniel Gorenstein (A Characterization of the Three-Dimensional Projective Unitary Group over a Finite Field) doi:10.1529/biophysj.104.055798 (englisch). "Kinetic and Structural Characterization of Urease Active Site Variants"; Matthew A. Pearson et al., Biochemistry 39  Januar 2011. Simmer JP, Fukae M, Tanabe T, et al.: Purification, characterization, and cloning of enamel matrix serine proteinase 1. in: J. Dent. Res 1999, S. 1651–1656, doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.4.1651 Ann H. Reid et al.: Characterization of the 1918 „Spanish“ influenza virus neuraminidase gene. In: PNAS gegen Fluorchinolone und Nitroimidazole. Hill, J. E. et al. (2005):Characterization of vaginal microflora of healthy, nonpregnant women by chaperonin-60 signifikanten Behandlungseffektes darstellt.“ “additional clinical characterization of a treatment but could not, by itself, be convincing of a clinically 1039/c3np70025a. PMID 23817633. B. Manocha, A. Margaritis: Production and characterization of gamma-polyglutamic acid nanoparticles for controlled anticancer

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