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Der Begriff clinical-development wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

(Clinical-Social-Developmental) an der University of California in … Entwicklungspsychologin am Institut für Human Development der … Psychotherapie und des Centre of Clinical Epidemiology and … Weblinks : tud-clinical-psychology. com/ Homepage Instituts für Klinische … Development of an immunocytokine, IL-2-183B2scFv, for targeted … (F8-IL10), a novel clinical-stage immunocytokine which inhibits the … distinguished work in the wartime development of radar and latterly … recognition of his pioneering work on the clinical and molecular basis … Human Development Index und Human Poverty Index I/II … Findings on Subjective Well-Being, Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24(1), Illinois 1997 … Strumberg D. Preclinical and clinical development of the oral multikinase inhibitor sorafenib in cancer treatment. Drugs Today (Barc). … title Guideline on Non-Clinical and Clinical Development of Similar Biological Medicinal Products Containing Low-Molecular-Weight-Heparins … Development of vocabulary and grammar in young German-speaking … Investigations in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics (pp. 131–144). … Autor Daryl C Drummond, Charles O Noble, Dmitri B Kirpotin, Zexiong Guo, Gary K Scott, Christopher C Benz | Titel Clinical development of … In: Studies in Comparative International Development. … Ashar | Titel Law Clinics and Collective Mobilization | Sammelwerk Clinical Law … (Centre for Biodiversing Utilisation and Development) ist hier angeschlossen. … Abschlüsse: Clinical Pharmacy) interdisziplinäre Kräutermedizin … Ein klinischer Behandlungspfad (engl.: clinical pathway) ist ein Beschreibungs … hospital association's approach to clinical pathway development. … Driever: Genetic analysis of dopaminergic system development in zebrafish. … In: Journal of Clinical Investigation 97, 1996, S. 1788–1794. … Schöffski, Patrick: Polo-Like Kinase (PLK) Inhibitors in Preclinical and Early Clinical Development in Oncology. In: The Oncologist. … A novel, oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor in clinical development for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders. … Deckert: Current constructs and targets in clinical development for antibody-based cancer therapy. In: Curr Drug Targets 10, 2009, S.  … of human personality development: Temperament, Character, & Coherence. … Ausgewählte Artikel : In: Clinical Genetics, 46, S. 124-137. … Patterson: Animal models of lysosomal storage diseases: their development and clinical relevance. In: A. Mehta, M. Beck, G. Sunder- … Datei:LSD-clinical-trial-bottle. … Blakemore | Titel Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse | … water channel in the development and integrity of the blood-brain barrier. … In: Clinical and Experimental Research 29, 2005, S.  … that govern the development of blood stem cells and blood cell lineages. … and for their introduction into clinical medicine for the control … er 1972 mit dem Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award … wissenschaftlicher Direktor des National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. … haben) und 2003 die „Restructured Clinical Scales“ oder kurz RC-Skalen. … (1993) The MMPI-2 Content Component Scales: Development, … 31 | 1979 | 22px New York | Edward D. Joseph | Clinical Issues … | Early Psychic Development as Reflected in the Psychoanalytic Process | … In: Genes & development Band 19, Nummer 23, Dezember 2005, S.  … In: The Journal of clinical investigation Band 103, Nummer 2, Januar 1999, S …

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