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Der Begriff corporate-restructuring wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

The restructuring of the electric energy market in Greece … Christodoulou, P. u.a:Exploring the improvement of corporate performance after … Beratung: Corporate Finance & Restructuring. Risk Management. Leadership Development. Marketing & Vertrieb. Operations & Technology. Strategie … GmbH und 2008 Geschäftsführer der Rölfs RM Restructuring Management GmbH. CIC Corporate Intensive Care Strecker&Partner Unternehmensberater. … Wirtschaftswissenschaft im Bereich Corporate Governance , dem … Ausbildung mit der Ph.D.-Thesis unter dem Titel „Privatization and Restructuring“ ab. … Regional and Global Restructuring and the Rise of Corporate Power (2003, Pluto Press) Vorwort von George Monbiot, ISBN 0-7453-2163-1 … Internationale Bezeichnungen : Corporate Restructuring REIT | CR-REIT | 2001 | Singapore | Singapore Real-Estate-Investment-Trust | S-REIT … Valutation, Reorganization and Restructuring of Distressed Companies … Literatur : Söhnke M. Bartram: Corporate Risk Management. Eine … Johnson G, Scholes K and Whittington R, 2007, Exploring Corporate … Balogun J and Johnson G, 2004, 'Organizational restructuring and middle … Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy" (PDF-Datei; 1,19  … Fritz, S., Hosemann, D. (2000): "Restructuring the Credit Process: … Cargo AG unter der Corporate Identity des Markenzeichens „Lufthansa“. … Airline Restructuring, Airline Operations, Air Cargo Logistics und … Jerome D. Davis: The Changing World of Oil: An Analysis of Corporate … Integration and Specialisation: The Restructuring of the European Oil Industry. … Die Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) wird gegründet und … risk in both the financial and corporate sectors: and third, lax … für Europäische Corporates bankrupty, failure to pay und Modified modified Restructuring. Failure to Pay, Repudiation/Moratorium und Restructuring. … Foundation tries to engage editors with merchandising and restructuring … In the media: Former WMF board member creates "Wikipedia Corporate … and the corporate market attracted many more software and hardware … Jobs stepped in as the interim CEO and began a critical restructuring … and analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with … a Western sytle for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over … governing Asian nations' banking and corporate practices in bail-out … under the banner of "restructuring with a human face," the government …

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