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Leibenstein, Harvey: "Allocative Efficiency and X-Efficiency", The … Williamson, Oliver (1995): "Transaction Cost Economics and … Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency : Minister : Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Climate Change and Energy Efficiency … Das Modell VX-100 soll einen Gesamtwirkungsgrad von 72 % durch Verbesserung der N B ion speed boosting efficiency auf 80 % erreichen … das Department of Operational Efficiency am Schwedischen Forstlichen … Distribution of the costs of Joint Forest roads according to crosswise … On the Efficiency of Competitive Stock Markets where Traders Have Diverse Information. In: Journal of Finance. Band 31, Nr. 2, 1976, S. … Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen : Authority and Efficiency. The Labor Market … The Cost of Capital and Medieval Agricultural Technique. … Trade and Industry (2007): Guide to Material Flow Cost Accounting (Ver. … Literatur : Eco-efficiency and Beyond. Towards the sustainable … efficiency») unter Beachtung sozialer, rechtlicher und ethischer … Current practice, accuracy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the … Autor Brian O'Regan und Michael Grätzel | Titel A low-cost, high-efficiency solar cell based on dye-sensitized colloidal TiO 2 films | … Superior performance and neural efficiency: The impact of intelligence and … Language switching costs in bilingual mathematics learning. … Cost Analysis | Sämtliche Kosten der am Rennwagen verbauten Teile … (Kraftstoffverbrauch) durch Fuel Efficiency (Energieeffizienz) ersetzt, … Efficiency) psychotherapeutischer Interventionen mit Hilfe … 90% der 97 einbezogenen Studien einen „Cost-Offset-Effekt“ von Psychotherapie, d.h. … Total Cost of Ownership (TCO, Gesamtbetriebskosten) ist ein Abrechnungsverfahren, … Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), standardisierte … In der Cost Analysis müssen die Studenten ihre kalkulierten … Die Energy Efficiency (Energieeffizienz) bewertet den Energieverbrauch während … recommendations for estimating the time and cost of labor operations … The one best way : Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency. … en | Low-cost Energy Source … html Technical and Quality Management - Home - European solar cell efficiency reaches new high-- bei einer … htm | title Commonwealth Development Corporation: A report on the efficiency and costs of, and the service provided by, the Commonwealth … "Improving the Market Impact of Energy Certification by Introducing Energy Efficiency and Lifecycle Costs into Property Valuation Practice … Property Rights and Efficiency in Mating, Racing, and Related Games. In: American Economic Review. Band 72, Nr. 5, Dezember 1982, S. 968– … Ellen Swallow Richards (1842–1911) in ihrem Werk Cost of Shelter (1905). … Higher Human Efficiency (Public health in America) ISBN 0-405-09827-8 … Veröffentlichungen: The Stock Market and Economic Efficiency. 1965 mit W. G. Bowen: Performing Arts: The Economic Dilemma. 1966 mit S. M. … pdf What determines the efficiency of regional innovation systems?, … system morphs as investments in R&D increasingly go to low-cost countries … (COST) hervorgegangen und wurde 1996 eine unabhängige … Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Institute | Kudakwashe Ndhlukula … disadvantage of being more expensive in both original cost and ammunition. simplicity of construction and efficiency in this respect for … Chicago” stands for belief in the efficiency of the free market as a … Ferner bezog er in Fallacies in the interpretation of social costs …

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