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Der Begriff described wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Titel Professor Oscar Neumann exhibited and described examples of the following new African birds, which included in a collection made in … England also nur zweimal in ihrem Leben verlassen hatte, schrieb sie drei Geografiebücher, unter anderem The Countries of Europe Described. … In a submission never released to the public, the HEC described the provision of road access as a matter of urgency. (dt.: 1963 beantragte … Auch veröffentlichte er mit Fellows das Buch Lycia, Caria, Lydia, illustrated and described (1847, Bd. 1). Nach seiner Rückkehr widmete … The World Described und Atlas Minor: Datei:Moll - Inset Beaver Map. png | Ausschnitt aus der so genannten Beaver Map The World Described, eine … 9, as herein described, in the vicinity west of Olympia; also beginning at a junction with Primary State Highway No. herein described, in … Peter Garlake: Great Zimbabwe described and explained. Harare 1994, S. 39–47. Peter Garlake: Great Zimbabwe described and explained. … first Thomas | last Say | title Descriptions of new North American neuropterous insects : and observations on some already described | … 1866: On the longicornia of Australia: with a list of all the described species. Linnean Society of London. 1868: A list of the Australian … shtml The Heinrich Schalit Collection at the Library of the Jewish Theological seminar, arranged and described by Elliot Kahn, D.M.A, … Selected, Copied, and Described by Nina M. Davies with the Editorial Assistance of Alan H. Gardiner. University of Chicago Press 1936 … Teil 1: Fossil Mammalia (Fossile Säugetiere) : Fossil Mammalia, Described by Richard Owen, ESQ. F.R.S. F.G.S. F.L.S. Professor of Anatomy … 22-23; Savage also described that pianos strung with graduated thicknesses of wire in the usual manner where the lower sounding strings … In terms of the carnage they cause, small arms could well be described as weapons of mass destruction. Verwendung des Begriffes … It will be evident that a storm-door structure of the character shown and described possesses numerous advantages over a hinged-door … "In the history of medicine, there are few instances in which a disease has been more accurately, more graphically or more briefly described." … Early Italian engraving: a critical catalogue with complete reproduction of all the prints described, London 1938–1948, volume 1, dargestellt. … Gray, J. E. (1854): Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow, now in the British Museum. London. … From Thailand is Described using Morphological and Molecular Data | journal Mycologia | volume 96 | issue 5 | pages 1010–1014 author … Übersetzung nach Jeffersons Originaltext: "Memorandums made on a tour to some of the gardens in England described by Whateley in his book … A Rejoinder to Armand Singer’s review of Some Tibetan Seals Illustrated and Described by Derrick Dawson.” Postal Himal, no. 107, 3rd … All basic types of living things, including man, were made by direct creative acts of God during the Creation Week described in Genesis. … The cipher suites defined in this document use a construction known as HMAC, described in HMAC, which is based on a hash function. … Veröffentlichungen : Egypt Painted and Described. A.&C. Black, London 1902. Burma Painted and Described. A.&C. Black, London 1905. … The unpublished objects from the Palaikastro excavations 1902–1906 described by R. C. Bosanquet and Richard M. Dawkins. Macmillan, London …

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