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    Der Domainname besteht aus 9 Zeichen.

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    Der erste Eintrag im Internet Archive ist vom 17.05.2014 und wurde seit dem 18 Mal gecrawlt.

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    Die Domain kommt neben dem de - Markt auch in folgenden TLDs vor: org, uk, eu, ru, it, net, info, nl, co, com

  • Wörterbuch

    Der Domainname steht im en-Wörterbuch.

Der Begriff employing wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Nuklearwaffeninspekteur der Vereinten Nationen, gegründet und setzt sich nach dem Motto "Employing Science in the Pursuit of Peace" (Wissenschaftliches Handeln im Streben – Sammler-Webseite mit vielen Bildern Patent US4010449: MOS computer employing a plurality of separate chips. Veröffentlicht am 1. März 1977, Erfinder: visionary work towards developing a cohesive picture of the r-process by employing novel experimental techniques to study the decay of nuclei far from stability urspr. Bevollmächtigter: Hughes Aircraft Company: Solar energy converter employing a fluorescent wavelength shifter. Veröffentlicht am 22. April 1986. Erfinder: enough to adapt to local needs and constraints of the several parties employing them, yet robust enough to maintain a common identity across sites. They “Interferometric Velocity Measurements through a fluctuating Gas-Liquid Interface employing Adaptive Optics”, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 25, pp. 30653-30663, 1002/zaac.19241370127. P. O. Nubel, C. L. Hunt: A convenient catalyst system employing RuCl3 or RuBr3 for metathesis of acyclic olefins. In: Journal of Molecular Oehme, N. Papkovskaya, I. Klimant: Sol-Gel based Glucose Biosensors Employing Optical Oxygen Transducers, and a Method for Compensating for Variable turn in especially fine performances. Laughton is particularly fine, employing a vulnerability that he often eschewed […]. Robinson is also in fine form Gmitter, K. M. Leung: Photonic band structure. The face-centered-cubic case employing nonspherical atoms. In: Physical Review Letters. Band 67, 1991, S. 2295–2298 DASA: Level 0 MOD civilian workforce by grade equivalence and budgetary employing area, Stand: 1. April 2009. Zugriff am 24. Juli 2009.  Peter Leighton-Langer: states, or, An inquiry concerning population, the modes of subsisting and employing it, and the effects of all on human happiness. Francis Edgeworth äußerte Gefeller: Epidemiology of contact allergy: an estimation of morbidity employing the clinical epidemiology and drug-utilization research (CE-DUR) approach Gefeller: Epidemiology of contact allergy. An estimation of morbidity employing the clinical epidemiology and drug-utilization research (CE-DUR) approach particularly interested in the question of finding a benign tropical strain and employing it in treatment, in order to carry out thorough and long fever treatments Record high-speed short-range transmission over 1 mm core diameter POF employing DMT modulation. In: Optics Letters. 35, Nr. 5, 2010, S. 730–732, doi:10 US2006232536A1: Dual Select Diode Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display Employing In-Plane Switching Mode. Veröffentlicht am 18. April 2006, Erfinder: Willem Committee, 1940. Venezuela, Caracas, 1960. Communist strategy and tactics of employing peasant dissatisfaction over conditions of land tenure for revolutionary SYSTEM FOR HIGH LOADS US patent application 20100176674: Gear Trains Employing Magnetic Coupling US patent application 20100064929: INDUCTRACK III Parlaments Informationen der Labour Party BBC News: Which MSPs are employing family? Biographische Informationen Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahlen S. 1850–1852, Abstract Hellwarth Physical limits of logic operations employing nonlinear optical effects, Topical meeting on optical computing, Incline Power Density High Efficiency Unity Power Factor PWM (Vienna) Rectifier Employing a Novel Integrated Power Semiconductor Module, in Proceedings of the 11th 1-4051-3544-1, S. 362–371. R. Staden: A strategy of DNA sequencing employing computer programs. In: Nucleic Acids Research (1979), Band 6, Heft 7, Power Density High Efficiency Unity Power Factor PWM (Vienna) Rectifier Employing a Novel Integrated Power Semiconductor Module, in Proceedings of the 11th 9-12. F. Asaro/I. Perlman: Provenience Studies of Mycenaean Pottery Employing Neutron Activation Analysis. In: Acts of the International Archaeological

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