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Der Begriff enticing wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Im Februar 2008 veröffentlichte die Band ihre erste EP Enticing, welche durch das Untergrund -Label Rising Nemesis Records … house audience in the Jazz Club savored every moment, listening intently, responding enthusiastically to each especially enticing musical moment. … Der Movie & Video Guide etikettierte den Film als „Enticing if unprofound nostalgia und hob hervor: „Captures 1940s flavor, adolescent … Rezeption: Text An enticing start. | Autor Brian Lowry | Quelle Variety | lang en | vor„ | nach“ | Übersetzung Ein verlockener Start. | … Instrumentalmusik : Enticing, op. 148a (1998) für Horn, Violine, Kontrabass und Klavier. Heptao, op. 151b (1998) für Trompete und Orgel … commented that "West End Girls" was "as catchy as anything on the radio in 1986", praising "its enticing bass line and foreboding synth riffs". … operates (workes, produces, has an influence, affects) mere like opiate: enticing (charming, irritant, stimulating or maybe inflammatory?), … beloved and flirted with enticing village maids or sought mystical union with the Divine, who was imagined as a coy and inaccessible beauty. … Even more enticing is the thought that Afer could easily have been proconsul of Achaia in the early 80s, when Hadrian would have been a …

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