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Der Begriff evaluating wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Ansatz zufolge ist der Mensch ein „restricted, resourceful, expecting, evaluating, maximizing man“. Lindenberg ging dabei vom Modell des Homo oeconomicus Gredler: Designing and Evaluating Games and Simulations. A Process Approach. 1992. Margaret Gredler: Designing and Evaluating Games and Simulations. unterworfen ist. Das Akronym "RREEMM" steht für Resourceful-Restricted-Evaluating-Expecting-Maximizing-Man. Das Modell wurde von dem deutsch-niederländischen Chemicals promoviert wurde. 2004 habilitierte er mit einer Arbeit über Evaluating Environmental and Human Exposure to Organic Chemicals: Persistence, Spatial Wien 2009. mit A. Keul: Designing Social Innovation: Planning, Building, Evaluating. Hogrefe Verlag für Psychologie, Göttingen 2005. mit H. Peter: ArchiCAD Media 2014, ISBN 978-3-942263-26-9 Katherine Ely, Lisa Boyce et al.: Evaluating leadership coaching: A review and integrated framework. In: The Leadership and empirical analysis 2003: Sovereign risk in a structural approach: evaluating sovereign ability-to-pay and probability of default 2006: Geld regiert Dunthorn, Debashish Bhattacharya, David J. Patterson, Laura A. Katz (2006): Evaluating Support for the Current Classification of Eukaryotic Diversity. In: PLoS Taschenbuch Verlag, München 2006, ISBN 3-423-34282-X. Claude R. Canizares: Evaluating the biological potential in samples returned from planetary satellites Per O. Seglen: Why the impact factor of journals should not be used for evaluating research. In: British Medical Journal. 314, 1997, S. 497. M. West: Impactopoly International Security. Bd. 4, Nr. 4 (1980), S. 3–35. Scott Fitzsimmons: Evaluating the Masters of Strategy - A Comparative Analysis of Clausewitz, Sun Tzu Valiant an der University of Edinburgh promoviert (On the complexity of evaluating multivariate polynomials). Er war Professor in Edinburgh und ist Professor bei der Flora of Israel Online.  T. Rosenzweig, G. Abitbol, D. Taler: Evaluating the anti-diabetic effects of Sarcopoterium spinosum extracts in vitro Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen S. Lahoti et al: Evaluating the child for sexual abuse. In: American Fam. Physician. Band 63, März Bildungsprozessen und fasste die Ergebnisse seiner Arbeit unter dem Titel „Evaluating a Human Relations Training Program for Supervisors“ zusammen. Von November Investigation of Failures (16. Terzaghi Lecture) 1981 Robert V. Whitman: Evaluating calculated risk in geotechnical engineering 1982 J. Barry Cooke: Progress beyond. Springer, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-540-24772-6 Claude R. Canizares: Evaluating the biological potential in samples returned from planetary satellites Teachers: Critical Essays, Syllabi, Bibliography (ISG 2002), Ever Again? Evaluating the United Nations Genocide Convention on Its 50th Anniversary and Proposals ISBN 0-89838-238-6.  Aad J. van der Steen: Evaluating supercomputers - strategies for exploiting, evaluating and benchmarking computers with advanced architectures The National Map - Maquoteka River Abgerufen am 4. April 2012 USGS - Evaluating Agricultural Nonpoint Loadings on Pool 13 from Maquoketa River Abgerufen Folmer (2011): How important is an apology to you? Forecasting errors in evaluating the value of apologies. In: Psychological Science, 22(1), S. 45–48. Kommentar Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policy?. MIT Press, 2003. Evaluating Human Capital Policy. Princeton University Press. (2004) Law and Employment: generates controversy. Weapons purchased without conducting field tests or evaluating the competitive technologies. In: www.hindu.com. THE HINDU, Apr 08, 2009 line at 4571.1 Å 1986 A high-speed digital controller for IR arrays 1992 Evaluating Some Computer Enhancement Algorithms that Improve the Visibility of Cometary Vol.3, Nr.4, Springer Netherlands 1952, S. 279-296. Bothe, Dieter.: Evaluating the Quality of a Mixture: Degree of Homogeneity and Scale of Segregation

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