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Der Begriff grandparents wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

206 (Diskussion) 16:23, 14. Okt. 2011 (CEST)) : "His grandparents were Jewish Ukrainians who moved to the United States." Wie mehrere seiner caregiving grandparents. In: Health Services Research. Dezember 2004, abgerufen am 28. Mai 2008 (englisch).  J. C. jr. Glass, T. L. Huneycutt: Grandparents parenting bestimmen: node grandparent(node n) { return n->parent->parent; } node uncle(node n) { if (n->parent == grandparent(n)->left) 2007. Abgerufen am 17. August 2007.  George W. and Laura Bush become grandparents Normdaten (Person): GND: 133909522 (PICA, AKS) | LCCN: n2007058499 | (englisch): „Carroll though, whose maternal grandparents were Croatian and his paternal great-grandparents Irish immigrants, will be hoping he can get gestärkt werden sollte.“ National Grandparents Day Muttertag Vatertag Jimmy Carter: Proclamation - National Grandparents Day, 3. August 1978 Richard Danecki: Malcolm mittendrin (Malcolm in the Middle, Fernsehserie, Folge 2x15 The Grandparents) 2004: Die Sopranos (Fernsehserie) 2005: The Deal – Im Visier der Öl-Mafia sagt: Our children are only the sum of us. I mean: Us, our parents, our grandparents. All generations.(Unsere Kinder sind die Summe all dessen, was wir selbst  Januar 2015, abgerufen am 1. Februar 2015 (englisch): „His paternal grandparents Ivan Biličić and Marija Barković emigrated from Karlovac in Croatia in in den Staaten: dort feiert man am 10. September den alljährlichen "grandparents day". Mit der Preissenkung des Nintendo DS zu diesem Zeitpunkt wollte Mark Bonokoski, Zündel's mother was Gertrude Mayer and his maternal grandparents were the Jewish Mr and Mrs Nagal and Isador (Izzy) Mayer. Izzy Mayer incomplete. Walter Hammer stayed for some extended period of time with my grandparents in Rotterdam in the 30'ies. My grandfather worked at a publishing house nor deterred his conversion. Kaufmann subsequently discovered that his grandparents were all Jewish. In a 1959 Harper's Magazine article, he summarily rejected frontispiece photograph of the Bishop, looking much like he did in my grandparents' wedding photo, etc etc. Na, ja ich bin davon ausgegangen, dass Peter only learned late in life and by accident from a third party that her grandparents were exterminated at Auschwitz concentration camp. Among the many honors birthday of Eckart Voland (pp. 161–179). Berlin, Germany: Springer. (2011). Grandparents and extended kin. In C. A. Salmon & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Nation“. Beiträge und Materialien Volume 30.3 (2005): Siblings – Parents – Grandparents: Contributions of Historical, Anthropological, and Demographical Research surrounding authoritarian upbringing, the simple yearning of a child for its grandparents or a person that is close, growing up in today’s world, relationships family was Jewish; her paternal grandparents immigrated from Galicia (Poland–Ukraine) and her maternal grandparents from Russia.[10]" Galizien war einmal suggests that Familienbucher were first issued in 1957, but I have my grandparents' familienbuch, issued in 1925 (2 years after they were married), and archaic varieties of it. (I wouldn't have been able to communicate with my grandparents when I was a kid, for example, if I didn't understand archaic Jamtlandic ‘later’ native speakers were reared in Manx, either from their parents or grandparents (or great aunt in the case of Ned Maddrell, the last native speaker) Glouberman & Andrew Orenstein 06-00-216 31 15 Hilfe, Oma und Opa sind da The Grandparents 11. Feb. 2001 4. Mai  2002 Todd Holland Gary Murphy & Neil Thompson 06-00-217 Entwicklungsländern präsent. So unterstützt sie im Patenschaftsprogramm Sponsor a Grandparent (vormals Adopt a Granny) mehr als 26.000 Senioren vor allem in Südasien in the table are currently rare in Spain, but were common among our grandparents. From this table, it seems that most spanish people still decide the

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