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Der Begriff granting wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Granting ist der Ortsname von. Granting (Dorfen), Ortsteil der Stadt Dorfen , Landkreis Erding, Bayern. Granting (Taufkirchen), Ortsteil der … Das Ticket Granting Ticket (abgekürzt TGT, engl. etwa Berechtigungsschein-gewährender Berechtigungsschein) ist eine kleine Datei, die – … Er fordert vom Kerberos-Server ein Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) an. Hierzu muss der Nutzer des Clients entweder ein Passwort eingeben, … Eppenhöning, Fanten, Fuchsbichl, Furt, Galgenberg, Geierseck, Granting, Graß, Grün, Grünbach, Haidvocking, Hanterstett, Harbach, Haus, … id yKE3AAAAMAAJ&pg PA33#v onepage&q&f false An act for granting certain duties… - Wortlaut des Gesetzes in Pickerings Statutes at Large, Bd … Zuflüsse der Großen Vils (mit Mündungsorten): Mühlmoosbächlein (Granting) Rechlfinger Bach (Jetten-Stetten) Suldinger Bach (Kleinvelden ) … My delegation, the Philippine delegation, attaches great importance to this item entitled "Declaration on the granting of independence … Dezember 1960:Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Kategorie:Politik Kategorie:Völkerrecht … This is a case of presenting their leaders according to the general terminology in order to mislead the European rulers into granting … countries signed a memorandum of understanding in New York on Thursday, granting political support to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, TAP, project. … The Christian Duty of Granting the Claims of the Roman Catholics, (Pamphlet) Rugby, 1828. Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Rugby School, … Granting the Seasons: The Chinese Astronomical Reform of 1280, With a Study of Its Many Dimensions and a Translation of Its Records … die Dörfer Aham, Atting, Flaring, Granting, Hilpolding, Hubenstein, Moos, Permering, Schnaupping , Solching, Straß, Wetzling und Winkl; … The Foundation Granting Department: Reports Submitted to FAMSI. Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI), 2005. … Gunnar Myrdal, and granting one to Hayek out of a recognized need for political "balance." Literatur : Barry, Norman P.: On Classical … Wish Icon Award for her extraordinary generosity and her many wish granting achievements. Insgesamt 31 Auszeichnungen. 2007 : BMI Pop Award … govern its initial establishment and the granting of land; and the most sketchy surveys were to be made before the grants were actually occupied. … html | sprache englisch | titel Ozawa positive about granting local voting rights to non-Japanese | werk The Japan Times | datum 22. … Kerberos ist ein Protokoll, mit welchem der Benutzer authentifiziert wird, so dass er ein sogenanntes „Ticket Granting Ticket “ (TGT) … last Marilyn Morgan | title Opinion Granting Motion to Dismiss Fraudulent Transfer Complaint | publisher United States Bankruptcy Court, … to mitigate what was perceived as the striking diplomatic defeat for Argentina in the 1881 treaty granting Chile control over the strait. | … In this case, banks maximize their risk-adjusted returns by not granting credit to customers with negative expected returns which is … asp | titel The Politics of Inclusion: Granting Aboriginals the Vote | hrsg Kanadische Menschenrechtskommission | zugriff 2010-07-08 | … to mitigate what was perceived as the striking diplomatic defeat for Argentina in the 1881 treaty granting Chile control over the strait … Pacific was recommended; also the bridging of the bay at Ravenswood and the granting of railroad facilities at Mission Bay and on the water front. …

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