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Der Begriff handprinted wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

1996. D.D. Kerrick, A.C. Bovik: Microprocessor-Based Recognition of Handprinted Characters from a Tablet Input. Pattern Recognition; 1988; 21; 525-537 classical, phase. His handprinted artist book, "The Florida book of plates - in concert with nature" was published in 1985. Further handprinted books and so-called made in the same way as they have been for almost three hundred years: handprinted from hand-carved wooden blocks. Cinnabar is used to colour the text red GCD Julie Doucet official site blog : plussedejuliedoucet.tumblr.com handprinted books store : lepantalitaire.bigcartel.com Bio page at Lambiek.net Julie designer Nina Schrøder. She is said to make "one-of-a-kind clothing made of handprinted textiles". She uses a wealth of different materials in her works and letterpress printing, and published limited editions of handset and handprinted books under his own imprint, Dim Gray Bar Press. Among the titles he pp. 232–237  Groner, G.F. (August 1966), Real-Time Recognition of Handprinted Text, Memorandum RM-5016-ARPA, RAND Corporation  WANG Freestyle demo Bothwell: Dunedin, 1981 As I Sat ..., 1985-1986 Ago, 1985-1986 Rose, handprinted by Brendan O'Brien, Rita Angus Cottage, Wellington, 2000 The Cherry Now (Editor), The Journals of Mary Butts (2002) Donna Elizabeth Rhein, The handprinted books of Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1917–1932 (master's translation of a work of Nicholas of Cusa by Thomas Merton. Subsequent works, handprinted in editions of usually 100 copies or less, included work by Martine Bellen héliogravures and woodcuts they already conserved, to the 80 artistproofs and handprinted originals executed by Heijermans. From the 26th of April until the 28th Hunter maintained literary ties with New Zealand through Noel Hoggard's handprinted Pukerua Bay magazine, Arena. From New York, Hunter published a poem in – Ketchum Pleon, Shoreditch, UK. An exhibition of the handbound and handprinted books of Eri Funazaki and Danny Flynn. 18 November 2010 – 7 January 2011 day in Englewood, New Jersey. On the reverse of the envelope, neatly handprinted in four precisely centered lines, were the words: Blood and Family – which evidence survives was to provide a system to automatically read handprinted timesheets for the nationalised railway, British Rail with over 100,000 you look at the last images, you'll clearly see a TDK CD-R disc with handprinted text on it - irrefutable proof of Hoffman's "shady" activities. It's

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