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    Der erste Eintrag im Internet Archive ist vom 27.06.2010 und wurde seit dem 34 Mal gecrawlt.

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    Der Domainname steht im en-Wörterbuch.

Der Begriff influencing wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Beeinflussungsapparat (englischer Fachbegriff influencing machine) nannte der Psychoanalytiker Victor Tausk 1919 ein psychotisches … favourable influencing underlying etiology or pathogenesis and thereby forestalling onset of disease or clinical decline" hat noch heute Gültigkeit … Cathy L. Watkins: Project Follow Through: A case study of contingencies influencing instructional practices of the educational … Carnegies erstes Buch war Public Speaking and Influencing Men In Business: a Practical Course for Business Men (1926). Sein größter … By political participation we refer simply to activity that has the intent or effect of influencing government action – either directly … Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Ureter: Prognostic Factors Influencing Progression and Survival European Urology May 2007 (Vol. … Factors influencing the streptolysin S-forming ability of streptococci having anticancer activity. In: Jpn J Exp Med 36, 1966, S.  … Nicholas, D.D.; Siau, J.F. (1973): Factors influencing the treatability of wood. In: Nicholas, D.D. (ed.): Wood deterioration and its … Strehler: Factors influencing the response of the bioluminescent reaction to adenosine triphosphate. In: Arch Biochem. 22, 1949, S.  … Einar Östgaard: Factors influencing the flow of news. in: Journal of Peace Research, 2. Jg., Heft 1/1965, Oslo 1965, S. 39 ff. … Garret FitzGerald: Factors influencing air transport rates and fares. In: Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland … comparative case study to identify contingency factors influencing motivation, in International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Bd. … Hazards and Ressource Efficiency: A Three-Tiered Approach to Assessing the Implications of Nanotechnology and Influencing its Developement. … A revision of Cattell’s Investment Theory: Cognitive properties influencing learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 13, 57–82. … pdf The investigation of factors influencing the stereochemistry of the Wittig reaction, University of Florida, Diss., 1965 -. … Reeves: Evidence of the atrial location of receptors influencing urine flow. In: Circ Res., 1956 Jan, 4(1), S. 85–90, PMID 13277115. … Factors influencing assignment of patients to compulsory admission. In: Social Psychiatry. 21 (1986), S. 113–122. Andreas Spengler (Hrsg … Radiation effects influencing temperature measurements by means of radiosondes in the stratosphere, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Helsinki … Gloistein, U.; Epple, M.; Cammenga, H. K.: Influencing the Solid-Solid Phase Transition in Phenanthrene by Suitable Doping, Zeitschrift … Lasers in Chemistry: Probing and Influencing Matter. 2008, Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, pp. 1554, 978-3-527-31997-8 Chia-Hui Yen, Hsi-Peng Lu (2008): Factors influencing online auction repurchase intention, Internet Research, Vol. 18 Iss: 1 pp. … pdf Security Sector Evolution: Understanding & Influencing How Security Sector Institutions Change by Volha Piotukh & Peter Wilson … Farrand | Jahr 1957 | Titel Some Factors Influencing the Life Span of Golden Hamsters | Sammelwerk The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of … (1995): Quantitative analysis of factors influencing neuronal necrosis induced by MK-801 in the rat posterior cingulate/retrosplenial … Factors influencing development of postharvest incidence of Rhizopus soft rot of papayas. Pages 495-502 in R.E. Paull, Ed. Symposium on …

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