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Der Begriff most-important-people wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

International Business Times, People Magazine und die Los Angeles Times … als sie einen Job bei People’s Revolution bekommt, als … Auszeichnungen: People’s Choice Award s (1984, 1986, 1989) Pop Rock Magazine (1994) … Spanien (1983): Most Important Foreign Album … dem Alias Paperclip People auf seinem Label Planet E die Single Remake. … .one of the most important, influential electronic records ever … Everetts Untersuchung der Sprache der pirahã-people … The Battle over America’s Most Important Idea. Farrar, Strauß and Giroux, 2006. … Kalachakra (the Wheel of Time)," covering Buddhist doctrines, disciplines, important scriptures of Exoterism and Esoterism. … Weblinks : people. com. … jogging suits and sing about "important matters", and call it Death Metal. … gruesome and evil that normal people fear, and where the people … im Oktober 1835 von einem bevorstehenden Angriff "up-country people". … dass „Infanticide I am persuaded is most awfully on the increase … found that it opens the path for people to come to Christ“ („Nicht nur … Stick with the most important thing‘—the mechanism and the building … Werk Regisseur : 1982: Katzenmenschen (Cat People) 1985: Mishima – Ein Leben in vier … 1970: For Us, Cinema is the Most Important of Arts … Carole Christy Eileen Scott | Unsuspecting Heart How Important Can It Be | … 1146 | 1955 | Delbert Barker Jack Daniels | Most of All I … Literatur : Alonzo L. Hamby: Man of the People. A Life of Harry S. … the Soviet Union's largest and most important satellite“ Michael D. … One of the most important things we need to know is the enormous … influence the situation exerts on other people and to overestimate the … It is, however, important to get people’s attention and to point out … besides, I think most people are intelligent enough to not change … levelID 67917 The Government and the People 1942–1945 ( Australia in … cooperation has proved to be the most lasting and important legacy of … to say that Six Degrees was probably the most important time for me.... … sie ihre erste Hauptrolle in dem Fernsehfilm The Girl Most Likely To…. … Ass 2011 in der Liste der „Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of All Time“ mit … 2011 hrsg People's Choice | titel People's Choice Awards 2011 | … als Beispiel siehe Noam Chomsky: Profit over people. - … of stock regulate and direct all the most important operation of labour, and profit … focus Tier- und Umweltschutz | key_people Dave Currey, Allan Thornton … Autor Sting Text EIA performs an extremely important role in … nature of the people, their qualities, humours, fashions, religions, &c … account of her strange birth and most important passages of her life … You always are alert to the most important things, and you block out … information that’s valuable getting to the people who need to know about it … Filmografie: 1997: America's Most Wanted (Most Wanted) 1997: Der Regenmacher (The … 2008: Big Fat Important Movie (An American Carol) … Eustace: An account of our capture and the most important occurences. … Yvonne Marshall, A Political History of the Nuu-chah-nulth People. … 156 Robert Friedman (Hrsg): The Life Millennium: The 100 Most Important Events and People of the Past 1.000 Years, Life Books, New York … jpg | Cheng Tianfang, Foptografie 1941 aus Saishin Shina yōjinden ,The Most Recent Biographies of Important Chinese People. Cheng Tianfang … I hope that people involved in its past will contribute more to this … Although most of this code as … SIOD is still an important part of Guile …

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