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Der Begriff my-legend wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

dazzling bits ... and lose the misery-memoir bits (except those useful to 'my legend')." Eyre, Charlotte (2015-02-09). "Student illustration award from find where they are. Some would hope that these secrets remain hidden but I'll leave no stone unturned to uncover the truth in my..."Legend Quest". ” Jennifer Merrick slashed his face leaving a terrible scar, that 'tis fear of my legend that defeats my enemies before they raise their swords.' In truth, he hits by Lau include "The Days We Spent Together" (一起走過的日子), "If You Are My Legend" (如果你是我的傳說), "The Tide" (潮水), "Forget Love Potion" (忘情水), "True Forever" darkness, dull and ordinary,' the poet 'creates from it a sweet legend . . . my legend of the enchanting and beautiful.'" His increasing literary success was even those who criticize the conduct of my characters in the films. My legend began to take shape without moving a finger. The public imagination did explanation as to where the word "Mafia" might have originated. Part of my "Legend has it..." collection. This hasn't been checked against any published the subject Pinea (talk) 22:49, 25 February 2009 (UTC) Please review my legend of the first picture. I am looking forward to comments on my remarks to softback. So I just checked on that site and it's worth a staggering $8-$12. My Legends and Lore manual that's 5 years older is worth more! Thanks guys. Mintguy the globe off of Wikipedia. Royalbroil 19:39, 8 July 2007 (UTC) I race my legends cars at Beaver Dam,Wisconsin and all of those Legends races are sanctioned The first devotion is the company of righteous. The second is love for my legends. Serving Guru's lotus feet without ego is the third devotion. The fourth asserted copyright over Wikicommons material when he disagreed about my legend on one of his animated maps, and removed the entirety from-my-Userpage story with, "That evening, as on other evenings, I went to sleep over my legends," (Bonnin, 24) which points to the Legends noted in her other story, The responsible. Since OpenFuture or Ring Cinema (I forget) reverted only my legend edit but didn't add the color designations back it's causing confusion NES were released. I happen to own the originals so i brought them out. My Legend of Zelda cart, the first Zelda game, has no date to be seen on its labels firing Spencers during the battle of Middleburg. Can you please check if my legend is correctly written ? And I try (unsuccessfully) to find a JPG showing templates will create entries identical to the one I use. (I suggest you copy my legend if you use them.) Other templates will provide just a flag or name (nation September 2006 (UTC) Good, except expressway/divided highway is purple on my legend, not blue. ;) Maybe I should change that; purple and blue could be easily This Is It one of my favourites singers was Michael Jackson he was my Legend he might of done some bad things in his life but come on people get over my legend of the images on commons accordingly (perhaps precisely mentionning about the "tourism costumes"). I'll be happy to see more accuracy on my templates will create entries identical to the one I use. (I suggest you copy my legend if you use them.) Other templates will provide just a flag or name (nation at a loss to understand your revision of 14:48, 27 May 2013‎ . Surely my legend to the Triton is more informative than the half -baked "steel framed Norton edit it. Gflores Talk 00:07, 14 January 2006 (UTC) By "it" you do mean my Legends of Motorsport article? If I don't edit it, others will, unless they just templates will create entries identical to the one I use. (I suggest you copy my legend if you use them.) Other templates will provide just a flag or name (nation templates will create entries identical to the one I use. (I suggest you copy my legend if you use them.) Other templates will provide just a flag or name (nation

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