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Der Begriff my-sponsoring wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

constitutionally acceptable in the British Navy to drink tea. One of my sponsors happens to sell instant coffee (Sanka), and he took great umbrage, or until the end of October. Because it was my duty to make the most of my sponsor's name, to get publicity. And if you had an off-day, well, you were letting July 2012.  "Luke Cain". Osa Brands. Retrieved 16 September 2012.  "My Sponsors". Luke Cain. Retrieved 16 September 2012.  McEvoy, Simon (27 January because it negatively affected my film festival and film school, and my sponsors were concerned. If I did not own a not-for-profit school, I would be much damage they are doing to the sport. What am I supposed to tell my sponsors? This conflict has been going on for three years and is escalating all August 2015.  Pettigrove, Michelle (9 August 2012). "TRIP OF A LIFETIME: MEETING MY SPONSORED CHILD FELIX". Retrieved 7 August 2015.  ChildFund International use the sponsorship donation that I send for my sponsored child?". Retrieved February 22, 2013.  "Charity Report broken but I wouldn't say it at the time because it was bad publicity for my sponsor. And there I was left alone on the road. When I say the road, I should one former client "One thing that really clued me in was [meeting] with my sponsor every week and hearing him talk about his struggles and talking to other the inspiration to sing — I was born with the 'Evil One' standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with to beginning a new chapter with a new sponsor. I would like to thank my sponsors that have shown their continued support, VISA, Nike, Kronik, Lizard Skins with the help of Keith Walters, the prop master and armorer. We went to my sponsor, Cimarron Firearms, so all the guns they use in the film will come back scientific accomplishments was breathtaking. Just before the meeting began, my sponsor, Delsasso, asked me, "Say, Creutz, have you met Einstein yet?" I had not mix of my big hits and some special surprises," said Christina. "Plus, my sponsors, Sears and Levi's, are giving fans lots of ways to get involved with things seem to go downhill real fast. I just started a family, lost my sponsor, broke my leg, no way to make any money, and it soon came to a realization sure but we had a strong race; I thank Office Depot, Coca-Cola, and my sponsors... congratulations to Clint Bowyer and the helping hands, they deserved agenda, and literature has thus been my inspiration and, effectively, my sponsor." Certainly one of the greatest influences on Darden was Herman Melville historically pertinent ones such as Thonet and Knoll - in which I and my sponsor have absolutely no interests). The site itself sells stuff, but these nephew of Cuban President Ramon Grau San Martin (1944-48). Mongo was my sponsor and the benefactor of Cuban Pedro Pan children. He spent 28 years in a am in telegram too and this is my number 09385586605 I wish you can be my sponsor ...thanks alot — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) the material we wish to add to the Kant page. You go on to talk about my sponsoring a "reign of terror." Well, that seems a little melodramatic, doesn't embassy in order to get my Visa in time to leave for the trip, this while my sponsor was the Russian government itself. It's ironic that once you apply for Quixtar that lasted until 2004, I actually searched out who I wanted as my sponsor. It ended up very good. I can honestly say from the relationship we had Ratcliffe. I took out from my rucksack my Mexican flag and also those from my sponsors and took pictures. I also took from my bag a piece of wood from the trees 1 completed survey, having asked 100 people to participate, do I tell my sponsor, "Yeah, I surveyed 100 people"? I doubt it. Frankly, if that were true

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