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Der Begriff precarious wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Every solution will be inadequate and precarious Er forderte im Einzelnen Konstantinopel, die europäische Küste des Schwarzen Meeres bis … August 2010 unter der Direktion von David Eliott unter dem Thema THE BEAUTY OF DISTANCE: Songs of Survival in a Precarious Age statt … 2007: Normal Love: precarious sex, precarious work. Künstlerhaus Bethanien , Berlin 2005: Utopie: Freiheit. WUK - Kunsthalle Exnergasse , … Precarious sex, precarious work, Künstlerhaus Bethanien , Berlin. 2006: Das Achte Feld - Geschlechter, Leben und Begehren in der bildenden … The Precarious Truce: Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1924-1927. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1977. Stafford Cripps' Mission to Moscow, … 1997 Art Basel , Galerie m Bochum, precarious balance (Katalog) 2001 Art Basel , Galerie m Bochum, basically: colour. 2004 Karl Ernst Osthaus- … Besetzung3a Frank Morin | Besetzung3b Gitarre | Besetzung4a Mora Precarious | Besetzung4b Schlagzeug | Besetzung5a Leslie Wacker | … Knicklenkung im Gepäck verheddert sich im weissen Hemd“, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin); „Precarious Form", Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna … Their Precarious Manner of Living, Their Habits, Customs & Beliefs, with Some Reference to Bushman Art, Both Early & of Recent Date, & to … Filmographie : 1961: Two Pieces for the Precarious Life. 1961: Faulty Pronoun Reference, Comparison and Punctuation of the Restrictive or Non- … Werke : Mantras For Precarious Times (2009) In Concert (mit Miten & Manose) (2009) Password (mit Miten & Manose) (2011) Einzelnachweise … Werke : The Precarious Fiscal Foundations of EMU. In: De Economist. Band 147, Nr. 4, 1999, S. 415–436 Fiscal consequences for Mexico of … I like it better when you’re funny : working in television and other precarious adventures. Random House, New York c2002. If I only knew … The journal is a forum for discussion of the approaches appropriate to analyse these new, contingent and sometimes even precarious regimes … The Soviet Union and Central Europe in the Post-War Era: A Study in Precarious Security, Palgrave Macmillan, 1985, ISBN 0312749058 … Koreanische Singles : (Witaeroun Iyagi, Precarious Stories) Japanische Singles : 25. November 2004: FALL IN LOVE. 18. Mai 2005: Sanctuary … New York Times | accessdate 2007-01-07 | title Sitcom’s Precarious Premise: Being Muslim Over Here | first Neil | last McFarquhar | date 7. … html Bericht über die Minderheiten in Serbien 2000: Status of Bulgarian minority is very precarious. They face a host of problems. … the Germans were threatening Iran and our oil, Auchinleck was in precarious straits in the desert, and the submarine sinkings were heavy. | … stm | title Pirates reveal Sudan's precarious peace | publisher BBC News | date 2008-10-07 | accessdate 2010-10-25 | language Englisch . … of a historical justificatory framework by which dominant coalitions legitimize and secure consent for their precarious conditions of rule. | … Michael C. Hudson: The Precarious Republic: Political Modernization in Lebanon (Random House, 1968, 1985) Theodor Hanf: Koexistenz im … enterprise after his accession, despite the precarious condition of the empire he had inherited, was a campaign in Georgia and Armenia see al-kurdi : … The Mission contributed to raising donor awareness of the precarious humanitarian situation in the Tindouf area refugee camps, where … Indeed, there had been a proposal inside the Commune to do just that, as the military situation grew more and more precarious before the …

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