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    Der Domainname besteht aus 11 Zeichen.

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    Der Domainname steht im fr-Wörterbuch.

Der Begriff recombinant wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

108.6.945 K.P. Jayapal, K.F. Wlaschin, M.G.S. Yap, W-S. Hu (2007): Recombinant protein therapeutics from CHO cells - 20 years and counting. In: Chem bezeichnet. Eine gentechnologisch hergestellte Variante, Alteplase (recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator, rt-PA) wird therapeutisch zur Auflösung (1992), The international standard for recombinant DNA-derived erythropoietin: collaborative study of four recombinant DNA-derived erythropoietins and two war hauptverantwortlich für das 1975 auf der Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA international beschlossene Moratorium zur Gentechnik, welches über lassen sich Einschlusskörperchen nachweisen. F Baneyx, M Mujacic: Recombinant protein folding and misfolding in Escherichia coli. In: Nature biotechnology Das Akronym SEREX (engl. serological identification of antigens by recombinant expression cloning, dt. Serologische Identifikation von Antigenen durch Harold R. Roberts, Dougald M. Monroe, Gilbert C. White: The use of recombinant factor VIIa in the treatment of bleeding disorders. In: Blood, Bd. 104 Shewfelt, A. Preston, P. Dowling: A meta-analysis review of the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin. 2. Effects on animal health, reproductive performance Cheema D, van der Veen F, Bossuyt PM, van Wely M. "Urinary hMG versus recombinant FSH for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation following an agonist long Garrett, M.D., Just I., Aktories, K., Hall, A. (1990) Microinjection of recombinant p21rho induces rapid changes in cell morphology. J. Cell Biol. 111, 1001–1007 Pelletier, H. Paulus, M. Q. Xu: Single-column purification of free recombinant proteins using a self-cleavable affinity tag derived from a protein splicing Richard Blackmore: "Incorporation of Norvaline at Leucine Positions in Recombinant Human Hemoglobin Expressed in Escherichia coli", in: J. Biol. Chem., diverse cell systems: implications for modification and analysis of recombinant proteins. In: Expert Rev Proteomics. 3(3), 2006, S. 345–359, PMID 16771706 Kishi und S. Inouye: Light-emitting properties of recombinant semi-synthetic aequorins and recombinant fluorescein-conjugated aequorin for measuring cellular (Spanien) RIBA ist Abkürzung für Royal Institute of British Architects Recombinant Immunoblot Assay "Ri.Ba." für "Ricevute bancarie", einer Art italienische Barendt, J.; Platzer, E.; Moore, M. A. S.; Mertelsmann, R.; Welte, K. : Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor: effects on normal and leukemic Pelletier, H. Paulus, M. Q. Xu: Single-column purification of free recombinant proteins using a self-cleavable affinity tag derived from a protein splicing Achman-Andersen, N., Thomsen, J., Norgaard, A., & Robach, P. (2008) Testing for recombinant human erythropoietin in urine: problems associated with current anti-doping Informa Healthcare, 1998, ISBN 0-824-70196-8. M. Welschof und J. Krauss: Recombinant antibodies for cancer therapy. Verlag Springer, 2002, ISBN 0-896-03918-8 Verwendung rekombinanter Antikörper intensiv geforscht. Jürgen Krauss: Recombinant antibodies for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. In: Molecular Biotechnology 1038/nbt0390-217. PMID 1366404. Schmidt C: Belated approval of first recombinant protein from animal. In: Nat. Biotechnol. 24, Nr. 8, August 2006, S D R Adams, M J Sheardown: Functional characterization of agonists at recombinant human 5-HT , 5-HT and 5-HT receptors in CHO-K1 cells . In: British Journal Wyllie. 2005. Structural Features of the Glutamate Binding Site in Recombinant NR1/NR2A N-Methyl-D-aspartate Receptors Determined by Site-Directed Mutagenesis Lawton, C. Q. Zeng et al.: Three-dimensional structural analysis of recombinant rotavirus-like particles with intact and amino-terminal-deleted VP2: (Review) The Recombinant Antibody Pages Webseite über rekombinante Antikörper und Phagen-Display (englisch) Creating and selecting recombinant antibody libraries

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