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Der Begriff revenues wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Der Revenue Act of 1861, vollständige Bezeichnung An Act to provide increased Revenues from Imports, to pay Interest on the Public Debt, and … 2010 erwirtschaftete Betfair Erträge ("revenues") in Höhe von rund 300 Millionen britischen Pfund. Im November 2010 ging Betfair an die … com/CPTV+REPORTS+SECOND+QUARTER+REVENUES+UP+129+PERCENT%3B+HIGHER+EXPENSES...- a016832486 | work Pressemitteilung | publisher The Free … The Commercial and Political Atlas: Representing, by Means of Stained Copper-Plate Charts, the Progress of the Commerce, Revenues, … Finanzerträge ohne Equity-Gesellschaften (Finance revenues) | Finanzerträge ohne Equity-Gesellschaften (Finance revenues) | Ergebnis vor … com/GT+Interactive+Reports+Record+Revenues+For+Fourth+Quarter+and+Year.- a020301932 | work Pressemitteilung | publisher The Free Library | … com/GT+INTERACTIVE+REPORTS+RECORD+SECOND+QUARTER+REVENUES%3B+Publishing...- QUARTER REVENUES; Publishing Business Increases Nearly 300 Percent. - … pdf | title April 1 Population of Cities, Towns, and Counties - Used for Allocation of Selected State Revenues | publisher State of … Revenues Management Services Ltd ist zuständig für die Bearbeitung von Bargeldzahlungen, während der Kundenservice vor Ort in den Händen … Gegen Norden steigt das Gelände sanft zu den bewaldeten Höhen der Grandes Revenues (316 m) an, welche die Wasserscheide zum Tal der Semouse … Commerce, Fishery, Artizans, Seamen, Soldiers; Publick Revenues, Interest, Taxes, Superlucration, Registries, Banks, Valuation of Men, … pdf | title April 1 Population of Cities, Towns, and Counties - Used for Allocation of Selected State Revenues | publisher State of … The art or science of managing revenues and resources for the best advantage of the manager.”) „ Roman : Eine aufgebauschte … Novel, n. … Les trois couleurs sont revenues Et la colonne avec fierté Fait briller à travers les nues,L'arc en ciel de la Liberté. O jour d'éternelle … How protection, increase of public and private revenues, and national independence march hand in hand together, Philadelphia 1869 … des königlichen Hausehaltes (Commission considering the state of the realm and the possessions, expenses and revenues of the royal household). … com | hrsg The Financial Times | datum 2010-06-03 | zugriff 2012-03-26 | zitat AT Kearney had revenues of $786m last year, down from about … 19 Papal revenues in the Middle Ages by William E. Lunt (1934) v. 1 , v. 2 20 The earliest Norwegian laws: being the Gulathing law and the … Carrillo, Janice E.: The impact of dynamic demand and dynamic net revenues on firm clockspeed. In: Deissenberg, Christophe (Ed.); … her Husband was concern'd in managing the Publick Revenues, in consequence of which he is now under Prosecution before the Chamber of Justice. … Der Auszahlungsbetrag hängt von der Höhe der jährlichen Einnahmen ab, wobei ab dem Jahr 2010 nur noch 2/3 der Einnahmen (revenues) direkt … Plate Charts, the Progress of the Commerce, Revenues, Expenditure and Debts of England during the Whole of the Eighteenth Century, London 1786 . … he was, according to Niẓāmī ʿArūḍī, a man of influence in his village, of independent means thanks to the revenues from his lands. … pdf | titel Electronic Sales Suppression: A threat to tax revenues | hrsg OECD | datum 2013-02-18 | zugriff 2013-02-19 | format PDF; 3,2  … Einzelnachweise: Motives, Revenues, Feasibility and Effects. 2008, Research Study by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Online …

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