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Der Begriff strongly wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Lipschitz and L_p Estimates for the Equation \overline \partial u f on strongly pseudoconvex domains Er lehrte an der University of … strongly resolvable design). Definitionen : Sei \mathcal I(\mathfrak p,\mathfrak B,I) ein 2-(v,k,\lambda)-Blockplan. Eine Auflösung von \ … They are weakly structured in common use, and become strongly structured in individual-site use. They may be abstract or concrete. … Strongly Connected Component, siehe Starke Zusammenhangskomponente in Graphen. Supply-Chain Council Supreme Court of Canada Terminator: … In Lausanne promovierte er 2003 bei Gérard Ben Arous in Mathematik zum Thema On two properties of strongly disordered systems, aging and … G. Alaga: New type of selection rules in beta decay of strongly deformed nuclei. In: Phys Rev 100/1955, S. 432–433.. transitions in strongly … 83, 2001, S. 112-168); Satoru Iwata , Lisa Fleischer , Satoru Fujishige (für A combinatorial strongly polynomial algorithm for minimizing … Steilstufen des Nordost-Grates besteigen gesehen, und sie seien „stark im Anstieg für den Gipfel“ unterwegs gewesen ("going strongly for the top"). … Landau | Titel Theory of the stability of strongly charged lyophobic sols and of the adhesion of strongly charged particles in solutions … Die Strongly Recommended betitelte CD beinhaltete 9 Stücke, darunter das deutlich antifaschistische Sindelar, das vom österreichischen … 1988 gewann sie den Fulkerson-Preis (für A strongly polynomial minimum cost circulation algorithm, Combinatorica, Band 5, 1985, S. 247–256 … Hochtemperatursupraleiter for pioneering work in developing and solving models of strongly correlated systems and for wide-ranging … Brueckner “Many body problems for strongly interacting particles, Teil 2: linked cluster expansion”, Physical Review Bd. 100, 1955, 36 … Rensing, Manuel Mildner, Daniel Lang, Ralf Reski (2002): Day length and temperature strongly influence sexual reproduction and expression … UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan verurteilte diese Tötung entschieden („strongly condemned. Am 26. März scheiterte im UN-Sicherheitsrat eine … Text I particularly felt strongly that since we had several heterosexual marriages available in Hommlet, we should include at least one … PG-13 (parents strongly cautioned) : Diese Einstufung ist eine deutliche Verschärfung der PG-Freigabe. Es wird empfohlen, den Film erst … html Co-existence of strongly and weakly localized random laser modes, Johannes Fallert, et. al., in Nature Jie Zhang, Richard Shapiro, Liu Bin's Zhuong Gong Bagua Zhang: South District Beijing's Strongly Rooted Style Foundation Practices, Verlag … At the same time, we strongly support family planning and adoption incentives. Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare." "Sowohl die … en | „strongly deplor ing the recent armed intervention in Afghanistan…and appeals to all States to respect the sovereignty, territorial … While simple designs are more likely to be vulnerable to simple, and possibly devastating, attacks (which is why we strongly discourage … 1979 erhielt er den Leroy P. Steele Prize (für „Harmonic Integrals on strongly convex domains 1,2“, Annals of Mathematics Bd.78, 1963, … Advance information on Miss Crawford among the "picture mob" had her strongly heralded as a "comer." Undoubtedly a "looker" (when … id 10758 Rally on Strongly Protesting against CCP’s Arresting CDP Member Kong Youping, eingesehen am 30. August 2011. Vgl. International …

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