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Der Begriff vegetable-oil wird z.B. in folgenden Zusammenhängen verwendet:

Als Hydrierte Pflanzenöle (HVO, Hydrogenated oder Hydrotreated Vegetable Oils) … basierenden Kraftstoffs NEXBtL des finnischen Unternehmen Neste Oil . … biogener Kraftstoff für Dieselmotoren, auch HVO (Hydrogenetic Vegetable Oil) oder HPO (Hydrogenetic Plant Oil) genannt, siehe Palmöl . … Hydriertes Pflanzenöl (Hydrotreated vegetable oil) u.a. NeXBTL. Kategorie:Abkürzung. die gesundheitlich bedenklichen Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe Natriumbenzoat , en:Brominated vegetable oil | bromiertes Pflanzenöl und Gelb 5 . … Verfügbarkeit bereits mittelfristig als begrenzt angesehen wird (siehe Peak Oil ). … pdf | titel Historical perspectives on vegetable oil- … Cleland: Dietary substitution with an alpha-linolenic acid-rich vegetable oil increases eicosapentaenoic acid concentrations in tissues. … (Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil), in Peza auf Kreta, aber … Sandy: The production and use of vegetable oils in Ptolemaic Egypt, in … Cleland: Dietary substitution with an alpha-linolenic acid-rich vegetable oil increases eicosapentaenoic acid concentrations in tissues. … 2 or 3 cucumbers, pepper and salt to taste, flour, oil or butter. … we find in the melons, gourds, cucmubers, vegetable-marrows, and squashes. … Weblinks: PROTA 14: Vegetable oils/Oléagineux. CD-Rom. PROTA, Wageningen 2007; abgerufen am 18. Juli 2008. Friedemann Berger (Herausgeber): De … Dazu gehören: Enugu Vegetable Oil Pruducts Limited in Nachi, Nigergas Company Limited in Emene, Aluminium Product Limited in Ohebe-Dim und … abgestimmt sind Der amerikanische Ökonom Philip G. Wright veröffentlichte 1928 ein Buch unter dem Titel The Tariff on Animal and Vegetable Oils. … Cleland: Dietary substitution with an alpha-linolenic acid-rich vegetable oil increases eicosapentaenoic acid concentrations in tissues. … Lack of meat and dairy products in the Japanese diet produced an aversion to oily tastes, so that even vegetable oil was not commonly … D. B. Sandy: The production and use of vegetable oils in Ptolemaic Egypt. In: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. … especially for his vegetable kingdom, and his genera & species of Orchideae.” … distinguished contributions to oil and gas exploration and the … Animal and vegetable fixed oils, fats, butters, and waxes: their preparation and properties, and the manufacture therefrom of candles, … 20pharmacie%20nov%201823&f false Journal de pharmacie nov 1823 Brannt, Schaedler: A practical treatise on animal and vegetable fats and oils. … 1974: Oil For The Highlands? 1975: Solution Three, dt. Lösung Drei, 1984, übersetzt von … Romane : 1980: The Vegetable War. 1981: Mucking Around … the preparation of palm-oil and sal fat-based cocoa butter equivalent. … Analyses : Implications for Vegetable Fat Quantification in Chocolate. … abstract | title Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Overall Cancer Risk … total fruits and vegetables and cancer risk was observed in this study. … The other one got information about the oil spill....“ … Weblinks : .some information vegetables and .. .some information dessert." … Spoken Word: 1991: Die for Oil, Sucker (7) 1994: Beyond the Valley of the Gift Police(Album) 1998: If Evolution Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws … Fred G. Meijer & Adriaan van der Willigen: A dictionary of Dutch and Flemish still-life painters working in oils. 1525-1725. … Foods such as sea vegetables and spirulina may contain vitamin B-12 … (2001): Vitamin B12 Cream Containing Avocado Oil in the Therapy of …

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