Sefer Jezira. Ruther, Berlin 1994. Keil-Jahns, Christa: Yoni-Massage. In:, Internet 2003. Auf der Basis von Texten von Jeffery Tye, 1995, in der
and 17th century, including Yewds, Yewdes, Yuedes, Yeuds, Yeudes, Yowds, Yauds, Eudes, Euddes, Eaudes, Ewds, Ewdes, Ewdds, Youlds, Yoldes, Hewds, and others
baggie; And mountin' the stane at Gibbie's house-end, Like a man o' great pith, wi' a grane, and a stend He flew owre his yaud, and fell i' the midden!
000000002001-06-02-00002 June 2001 Borders Fusion: Pawkie Paitterson's Auld Grey Yaud Stewart Aitken Simon Crouch, Matthew Burgess and Kathleen Quinn Based on
pertain to). So, as much as I appreciate Yet Another Useless Distraction (YAUD) from you (that doesn't address what is being discussed), you missed the