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The term balearic-islands“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

2002 | XXI | Santa Eulària des Riu | 20px | Balearic Islands Balearische Inseln | 2003 | XXII | Manises | Comunidad Valenciana | … Paul’s Islands und Fungus Rock mit insgesamt weniger als 1 km² Fläche. … diploid Urginea pancration (Hyacinthaceae) in Cabrera (Balearic Islands). … J. M. Azañon, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, V. Carcía-Dueñas und A. Jabaloy: Alpine Tectonics II: Betic Cordillera and Balearic Islands. … Literatur : L. Pericot García: The Balearic Islands (1972) C. Veny: Las cuevas sepulcrales del Bronce Antiguo de Mallorca (1968) … Matis - Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D | MATIS | Island | … Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Balearic Islands | | Spanien | … html Flags of the World - Balearic Islands (Spain) (englisch) Kategorie:Flagge (Spanien)Kategorie:Balearische Inseln. Preliminary notes on the herpetofauna of the satellite islands of … the Balearic Isles, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, and the Maltese Islands; … Breakage of mutualisms by exotic species: the case of Cneorum tricoccon L. in the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean Sea). … NameInRegionalsprache2 | Regionalsprache2Abkz | NameAufDeutsch Balearische Inseln | Flagge Flag of the Balearic Islands. svg | … html Judaic Research Continues in Balearic Islands and Sao Tome, Zur Geschichte der jüdischen Kinder (so auch von Schicho berichtete) … en | A new species of Pica (Aves: Corvidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of Mallorca, Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean). … en | A new species of Pica (Aves: Corvidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of Mallorca, Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean). … svg | Aragonien Datei:Flag of the Balearic Islands. svg | Balearische Inseln Datei:Flag of Barcelona. svg | Barcelona Datei:Flag_of_ … Mascagni, I. Ribera (1998): The family Heteroceridae MacLeay, 1825 (Coleoptera, Dryopoidea) in the lberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands. … en | A new species of Myotragus Bate, 1909 (Artiodactyla, Caprinae) from the Early Pliocene of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, western … Migration of Elements of Islamic Art into Italy from Spain and the Balearic Islands in the Fourteenth Century,in: Crossing Cultures. … an endemic insular giant rabbit from the Neogene of Minorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. … Century of Landscape Painting in the Balearic Islands. Rusiñol , Passion for Mallorca. From Luminism and Symbolism to the Japanese Print … Ergebnisse der Regionalwahlen: Datei:Flag of the Balearic Islands. svg | 40px Balearische Inseln Francesc Antich i Oliver (PSOE) | … MAN AND THE WINDMILLS Balearic Islands,por Alejandro García Llinás,Idioma: Original en Catalán. Traducido al Inglés y Alemán,ISBN 84- … A. V. M. Hubrecht: The use of the sling in the Balearic Islands. In: Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 39, 1964 215359-2 S. 92-93. Hans Peter … Mai 2008 hat Roger Shah bei Digitally Imported eine wöchentliche Radiosendung namens Magic Island - Music for Balearic People. … Balearic Bill - Destination Sunshine. Airscape - L'esperanza. 2000: … Remixe: Pendulum - The Island. Robbie Rivera - We Live For The Music … Locator maps for Catalonia, Valencia and Balearic Islands : Hi David. I've seen your good awesome work made for the locator maps of each … Felis silvestris jordansi Balearic wild cat (Balearic Islands) Felis silvestris reyi Corsican wild cat (Corsica) Felis silvestris sarda …

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