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  • Informationen

    The domain name consists of 15 characters.

  • Wayback Machine

    The first entry in the Internet Archive is from 25.07.2013 and has been crawled 38 times.

  • inTLD

    In addition to the de - market the domain can also be found with these TLDs: biz, co, com, org, ru, net

  • Dictionary

    The domain name can be found in partly in the fr-dictionary. The domain name can be found in in the en-dictionary.

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The term breast-implants“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

long-term study of outcomes, complications, and patient satisfaction with breast implants. In: Plast Reconstr Surg 117, 2006, S. 757–767. PMID 16525261 T. F Implantate-Hersteller Jean-Claude Mas, sausage with breast implants, 5. Januar 2012 - abgerufen am 13. Januar 2012 Bericht auf Routledge, ISBN 0415351839, S. 158–164, The Pornographic Demand for Breast Implants: Lolo Ferrari.  Commons: Lolo Ferrari – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos aufgezeichneten Zunahmen der Brustgröße, mehr als allein durch chirurgische Eingriffe möglich wäre. Polypropylene Breast Implants How Breast Implants Work nicht gesetzt FAQ auf Charms' Webseite Woman Reveals 50-Pound Breast Implants. In: Fox News, 12. Mai 2011. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2013.  Marc Quinn-interview long-term study of outcomes, complications, and patient satisfaction with breast implants. In: Plast Reconstr Surg 117, 2006, S. 757–767. PMID 16525261 T. F 31. August 2009.  Alan Duke: Miss California USA sued over breast implant money., 20. Oktober 2009, abgerufen am 24. Oktober 2009 (englisch) 3014228 P. J. van Diest u. a.: Pathology of silicone leakage from breast implants. In: J Clin Pathol 51, 1998, S. 493–497. PMID 9797723 J. Wang u. a blood donors, 40 systemic lupus erythematosus patients, 34 silicone breast implant recipients, and 30 chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Serum antibodies Zheng-San Yang; Spontaneous Autoinflation and Deflation of Double-Lumen Breast Implants; Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Volume 30, Number 1 / Februar 2006 grundsätzlich to the following text: "Within the frame of the PIP scandal about breast implants where silicones had been used that were not suited for such applications

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