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  • Informationen

    The domain name consists of 6 characters.

  • Wayback Machine

    The first entry in the Internet Archive is from 29.08.2009 and has been crawled 43 times.

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    In addition to the de - market the domain can also be found with these TLDs: cn, in, org, it, ru, net, me, co, com

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    The domain name can be found in in the en-dictionary.

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The term citing“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

citing her role during the Sandinista revolution in luring a Nicaraguan general who had worked with the Central Intelligence Agency to her … pdf PR Watch: Letter from Philip Morris attorney Marty Barrington citing initial funding for the CCF PR Watch, (englisch) abgerufen 30. … Citing the pressures of rigorous worldwide competition in financial services, large American banks are pleading for the repeal of the … Weblinks : Citing. first Muffy E. A. | last Siegel | year 2002 | month | title Like: The Discourse Particle and Semantics | journal Journal of … NewsID 34970&Cr iran&Cr1 Citing Iran’s failure to clarify nuclear ambitions, UN imposes additional sanctions. UN News Centre. … 1988 ‘citing technology’, Mckenzie Art Gallery, Regina/Canada. 1987 “Weltall”, Documenta 8, Kassel. 1986 “Ein Weltmodell”, 42. Biennale di … The Canon Debate, McDonald & Sanders editors, 2002, page 492, citing as reference Bruce M. Metzger 's Canon of the NT, pages 219, 223; cf. … from PubMed Central, additional content including biological patents, clinical guidelines, PhD theses and research reports; who is citing who … Jefferson, Louisiana, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 26-31B, sheet 3A, family 49, NARA digital publication T627, roll 1407. … tabid 1783&ctl Details&mid 1882&ItemID 12602 | work United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan | title Citing rising death toll, UN … pdf Human Tolerance and Crash Survivability, citing Society of Automotive Engineers. Indy racecar crash analysis. Automotive Engineering … Citing Kenneth Minogue: Aborigines and Australian Apologetics. In: Quadrant. September 1998, S. 11–20. Invisible Invaders: Smallpox and … 301, citing John Swinton's Paper, October 14, 1883, et seq. Reuter, "John Swinton's Paper," pg. 302. Reuter, "John Swinton's Paper," pg. … html | title Citing Star’s Condition, NBC Delays ‘Parenthood’ | publisher New York Times | date 10. Juli 2009 | accessdate 18. … citing Germany's renewed submarine warfare as reason enough to intervene. That same day the the American steamship Housatonic is sunk … htm Military Obstetrics & Gynecology Thyroid Function Tests In turn citing: Operational Medicine 2001, Health Care in Military Settings, … Committee strikes Vienna balls from culture list, citing concerns about extremism. In: The Washington Post . 19. Jänner 2011 . … last6 Galbincea | first6 Pat | date 2013-05-12 | title Prosecutor to seek aggravated murder charges against Ariel Castro, citing what he … pid newsarchive&sid aZTnA1giWx98&refer asia Myanmar Junta Avoids Suu Kyi Talks, BBC Says, Citing Opposition bei Bloomberg. com (18. … html | titel“Newman/Haas WDs from Indy 500 citing struggles” | hrsg sportsillustrated. cnn. com | sprache EN | datum 2012-04-27 | zugriff … 593,000: J. A. S. Grenville citing „official Germany“ in A History of the World in the Twentieth Century (1994) 600,000: Paul Johnson … Please comply with the formatting standards for citing literature, avoid typos and BTW~, citing only one's own papers may be considered … Zitat: „Summarizing a source in your own words, without citing the source in any way, may also be a form of plagiarism, as well as a … For users (citing authors, publishers and other users) who use WebCite to initiate the archiving process (“citing users”)Citing authors, … So, I believe that we should reconsider citing sources just because you believe that "Bax is reputable source". I feel that we need to go …

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