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    The domain name consists of 22 characters.

  • Wayback Machine

    The first entry in the Internet Archive is from 29.06.2013 and has been crawled 25 times.

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    The domain name can be found in in the en-dictionary.

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The term community-interpreting“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

Community Interpreting , im weitesten Sinne das Dolmetschen im sozialen und medizinischen Bereich. Competitive Intelligence Confidential … From seed to tree: building community organisations in India’s cities … pdf Mit Diana Mitlin: Re-interpreting the rights-based approach œ … Occasions for sign use in an Australian aboriginal community … Indigenous Sign Language and Culture; the interpreting and access needs of … Difficulties with estimating and interpreting species pools and the … community age and shoot density. Ecography 22, S. 153-159 , Safford, … einflussreichen Minister der Grace Community Church in Sun Valley … influence later evangelicals in interpreting the first book of the Bible … Kister: „The crowns of this community“.. … "Dhimma": "As regards places of worship, the jurists are almost unanimous in interpreting … Die entsprechenden Community-Pages sind ja per Interwiki gut … I have a hard time interpreting what's being said from German to English, but … courts are not very strict in interpreting contracts so as long as we … Ich führe nur Wünsche der Community aus, bin Diener der Community … Arten sind: Konferenzdolmetschen, Community Interpreting. (nicht signierter Beitrag von Loudia (Diskussion   |  Beiträge ) 16:16, 12. … Meiner Meinung nach müßte dieses Kapitel komplet überarbeitet werden und zum größten Teil unter "Community Interpreting" in einen neuen … "The principal difficulty in interpreting the term ‘crime against … the concern of the international community, namely, if it has … just because noone in scientific community bothered to write an … Admins are users who are repsonsible for interpreting the rules. … gewisse Umstrittenheit in der wissenschaftlichen Community eigeräumt. … A model interpreting all effects of an intervention (excluding …

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