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The term continual“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

ITIL V3 Continual Service Improvement , ist die fünfte und letzte Publikation der IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) in der Version 3 … Der Lifecycle Stream besteht aus den fünf Modulen Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation und Continual … Beispiel: Busily seeking with a continual change. Kategorie:Lyrik Kategorie:Literatur (Englisch) Ingrid Commandeur and Trudy van Riemsdijk-Zandee: Robert Smithson: Art in Continual Movement. Alauda Publications, Amsterdam (2012), ISBN … Schleidt, W. M. (1973): Tonic communication: continual effects of discrete signs. J. Theor. Biol., 42, S. 359-386. Schleidt, W. M. (1974 … Veröffentlichungen : Continual Permutations of Action, 1993 Literatur : H. Legewie/B. Schervier-Legewie, Person, Wissenschaft und … 196–207 "Greer Garson's role requires continual emotional stress that makes for a heavy job but she is capable. Robert Mitchum has too … In den 1930er Jahren erschienen auch Betjemans erste Gedichtbände Mount Zion (1931) und Continual Dew (1937), die später für ihre bereits … Juni 2008 | zitat Kitano’s performance is stellar … two and a half hours of continual domestic violence makes for very difficult going … 19:00 : 新闻联播, Continual News oder National News, Rede von Parteien ans Volk; wurde schon zu Propagandazwecken benutzt. 19:30 : 天气预报, National … From the time I knew him until we split up, he had a continual chip on his shoulder Laut Robison hatte er zwei Gründe, die erfolgreiche … ITIL v3: ITIL Continual Service Improvement. ITIL Managing across the lifecycle. Beim ITIL Master wird es darum gehen als ITIL Expert mit … industry, but all live in continual danger and fear of violent death, and ‚the life of man (is) solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short‘.) … Einzelnachweise : Franklin was a scene of continual dissipation“. Hier zitiert nach Isaacson, Benjamin Franklin. An American Life, S. … A key distinction between this research and the state of the art in machine vision is that the latter has made continual progress in … Löschdiskussion ITIL V3 Continual Service Improvement : Hallo Herr Zielke, wenn es Sie interessiert - hier mein Hinweis. -Bernd F Dollinger … mL (mordern brain 1300−1800 mL), might have caused continual headache, severe hemiparesis, and finally death.. -Jan Arne Petersen 15:06, 28. … derselbe No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. | derselbe Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is … there was continual commerce between them, as exemplified by poet-musicians (as¸ik,‘lover’), who performed in both villages and urban … over time because otherwise it is very uncomfortable, and must only be done with gentle continual pressure, and lots and lots of lubricant. … Maturana & Varela, the two Chilean biologists who invented the concept, describe living creatures as 'characterised by their continual … Compare Feynman’s scientific integrity with the continual attempts by the leaders of climate “science” to prevent skeptics from checking … "It follows from what we have just said, that the natural changes of monads come from an internal principle, and that change is continual … der noch in den 90er Jahren im Booklet seiner ARC-CDs dem Scientology-Gründer L. Ron Hubbard für „continual guidance and knowledge“ dankt. … html laut WSJ auch:"The Syrian authorities' continual ruthless repression, if not stopped now, can drive the country into a full-fledged …

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