

If you want to buy the domain durx.de, please call us at 0541-76012653 or send us an email to: domain@kv-gmbh.de

  • Informationen

    The domain name consists of 4 characters.

  • Wayback Machine

    The first entry in the Internet Archive is from 08.02.2014 and has been crawled 38 times.

  • inTLD

    In addition to the de - market the domain can also be found with these TLDs: com, cn

The term durx“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

SYLLABLE DUP Yi-Silbenzeichen Dup U+A118 (41240) ꄘꄘ YI SYLLABLE DURX Yi-Silbenzeichen Durx U+A119 (41241) ꄙꄙ YI SYLLABLE DUR Yi-Silbenzeichen Dur U+A11A (41242) integra vitae Hostia grata Deo, sed labia pura, sed agno Digna comes, durx virginibus dignissima castis. Quos hic mundus habet, requis decerpta laborum Past fűr fíle ojrópéiše Špráxen. Man könte auch die Betónu˛ mit angyben durx Pu˛kte drụnter.) Im Abschnitt Bildungsweg steht, Hus habe das Kuttenberger

DomainProfi GmbH



Martinistraße 3

49080 Osnabrück



+49 541 76012653

Business hours:

Mo-Fr 08:00 to 17:00

© KV GmbH 2023