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    The domain name consists of 22 characters.

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    The first entry in the Internet Archive is from 02.09.2010 and has been crawled 31 times.

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    The domain name can be found in in the en-dictionary. The domain name can be found in partly in the es-dictionary.

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The term individual-development“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

CIDA City Campus (Community and Individual Development Association City Campus) ist eine im Jahr 1999 gegründete private, staatlich … (Cinema Product Development Company ), Neils G. Petersen (Cinema … for their individual contributions and the collective advancements they … Zunehmend spielt in der Region aber auch der Individual- und … Rivers and Their Catchments – Sustaining People and Development in Western Namibia. … Chief of Small Arms Research and Development eine Anfrage an den … Objective Individual Combat Weapon: Das OICW war als Ordonnanzwaffe für … anderen beiden Standort als so genannte „Development Center“ geführt werden. … Turniere: Individual-Weltmeisterschaften (jährlich) … Tom Kilburn | Ingenieurwesen | en | “In recognition of his outstanding individual and continuing contribution to the development of … Im Februar 2001 haben 17 Erstunterzeichner diese Werte als Agiles Manifest (englisch Manifesto for Agile Software Development oder kurz … The Will and the Ways: Development and Validation of an Individual-Differences Measure of Hope, Journal of Personality and Social … Alcohol Abuse and Economic Conditions: Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sections of Individual-Level Data”, Health Economics 10(3), April 2001 … der sich selber als „Individual- Anarchisten “ bezeichnet und in der … eingetragenen Campdem Development SA mehrere bedeutende Beteiligungen hält, wie z.  … Development of vocabulary and grammar in young German-speaking … Individual differences in language acquisition by young children with … Marktsegments aus Individual-, Kooperations- und Kettenhotellerie an. … Literatur : Hospitality Development, Berlin 2010 von Freyberg, Burkhard/ … U.S. Army Armaments Research, Development, Engineering Command (ARDEC … com/internal-view-of-metal-storm-aicw-advanced-individual-combat- … Am „treffsichersten“ erwiesen sich Arrested Development und … (Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program) … Comedyserie: Arrested Development Desperate Housewives … (Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program) Jon Stewart für … Individuelle Entwicklung und Lernförderung (Center for Research on Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk, IDeA). … (1999) Individual development from 3 to 12: Findings from the Munich Longitudinal Study. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. … gegründete Forschungszentrum zu frühkindlicher Bildung IDeA (Research on Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk … to continue with Napalm Records, as our ambition was never to be part of a major commercial conduct, which prevents individual developments. … of human personality development: Temperament, Character, & Coherence. … In: Personality and Individual Differences, 35, S. 1931-1946. … Anne-Marie Elbe, Brigit Szimanski, Jürgen Beckmann: The development … noncontingent success and failure on individuals in self-control skills … Ab der Saison darauf spielte für das US National Team Development … php | titel 2011-12 Men's Individual Award Winners | hrsg Western … Capage, L., & Watson, A. C.: Individual differences in theory of … Literatur : In: Early Education & Development, Band 12, Nr. 4, 2001, S. 613 … John Bertrand Gurdon , Egg cytoplasm and gene control in development. … the nucleus, and their relation to the organization of the individual … Konvention klagen (per so genannter Individual- oder Staatenbeschwerde). … education, science, and culture – legal developments and challenges. …

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