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The term ktav“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

Press. 2011, ISBN 978-0-691-14723-9 Saul Goodman: The Faith of Secular Jews. Ktav, 1976 Yaakov Malkin: Secular Judaism: faith, values, and spirituality. Vallentine 29. Dezember 2014.  Bob Wechsler: Day by Day in Jewish Sports History. KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 2008, ISBN 9781602800137, S. 290. eingeschränkte 1914 Poet of the ghetto. Morris Rosenfeld. Hrsg. von Edgar J. Goldenthal. Ktav, Hoboken NJ 1998, ISBN 0-88125-600-5 (enthält eine Auswahl der Werke) Tzum auch bei Google Books). Isaac Klein: A guide to Jewish religious practice. Ktav, New York 1979, OCLC 4497358, S. 185. Nosson Scherman; Meir Zlotowitz; Sheah Reuven Ziegler: Festival of freedom: essays on Pesah and the Haggadah. KTAV, Jersey City (NJ) 2006, OCLC 62728456, S. 112. Lawrence A. Hoffman: My People’s Education in Judaism form Biblical Times to the Twentieth Century. New York: Ktav Pub Inc. Ledl, Andreas. (2006). Eine Theologie des lebenslangen Lernens Jew? - Rabbinic and Halakhic perspectives on the Jewish-Christian Schism, Ktav Publishing House, 1985, Vorwort, S. IX Vgl. z.B. Ephraim Tabory: The Israel (hebräisch ‏אוצר דינים ומנהגים של יהודי ספרד / מאת צבי קלמן (הרברט) דוברינסקי‎), Ktav, New York, N.Y. 1986, OCLC 13359078, S. 181. 00V תְּפִלַּת שַׁחֲרִית Schacharit McGraw-Hill Scenes from the Bible, Bilder von Ezekiel Schloss, New York 1966, Ktav Paul Gauguin, New York 1967, McGraw-Hill Chagall, New York 1967, Tudor Eight Concordance. With Collaboration by W. E. Aufrecht, J. C. Hurd, and F. Spitzer. Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken/NJ 1984, ISBN 0-88125-015-5. Alejandro Díez Macho: NAME Sofer, Awraham Schmuel Binjamin ALTERNATIVNAMEN Sofer, Ksav; Sofer, Ktav KURZBESCHREIBUNG ungarischer Rabbiner und Rosch Jeschiwa GEBURTSDATUM 13 werden. Judaism Beyond God: A Radical New Way to Be Jewish, Sherwin T. Wine, KTAV Publishing House and Society for Humanistic Judaism, 1996. God-Optional Judaism: extraordinary British Orthodox rabbi who rescued 4000 Jews during the Holocaust. KTAV Publishing House, Jersey City 2004, ISBN 0-88125-730-3. Derek Taylor: Solomon Ibero-Jewish bibliography. Selected with a Prolegomenon by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi. Ktav Publishing House, New York NY 1971, ISBN 0-87068-146-X (Studia Sephardica)) Italian Jewry in the Renaissance era. Translated and edited by Bernard Martin. KTAV Publishing House Inc. u. a., New York NY 1974, ISBN 0-87068-240-7. Andrzej 144f Hayim Zalman Dimitrovsky: Exploring the Talmud, Band 1, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1976, ISBN 0870682547 Hava Tirosh-Samuelson: Happiness Ellen Norman Stern: Dreamer in the Desert. A Profile of Nelson Glueck. Ktav Publishers, New York NY 1980, ISBN 0-87068-656-9. Literatur von und über Manuscripts Alphabetically and Lexically Arranged. London 1868 (Reprint: KTAV, The Library of Biblical Studies, New York 1975, ISBN 0-87068-020-X). Christian Wagner, Moshe Meisels: The Righteous of Switzerland: Heroes of the Holocaust. KTAV Publishing House, Inc., Hoboken NJ 2001, ISBN 0881256986 Odile Munos-du Peloux: Beilis and the blood libel. In: Bruce Afran u. a. (Hrsg.): Jews on Trial. Ktav, Jersey City NJ 2004, ISBN 0-88125-868-7, S. 69–93. Ezekiel Leikin (Hrsg 2012) (PDF; 148 kB) Bob Wechsler: Day by day in Jewish sports history, KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 2008, ISBN 978-0881259698, Seite 76 - Online (abgerufen Zosa Szajkowski: Jews and the French Revolutions of 1789, 1830 and 1848. Ktav Publishing House, New York 1970, ISBN 0-87-068000-5. Normdaten (Person): Modern Architecture, 1830–1930. Ins Englische übersetzt von Robert Tanner. KTAV Publishing House, 2004, ISBN 0881258083, S. 328f. Mit Großfoto des Mausoleums Missoula 1979 Lawrence H. Schiffman: Texts and Traditions: A Source Reader for the Study of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism. Ktav, Hoboken, N.J., 1998 Sally Berkovic, Straight Talk: My Dilemma As an Orthodox Jewish Woman: KTAV Publishing House, 1999, ISBN 0-88125-661-7, S. 226 Shirley Kaufman, Galit

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