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The term meditating“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

Lama beleuchtet wird? z. B. in [1]: 5. His Holiness's hobbies include meditating, gardening, and repairing watches. ähnliche Quelle: www.borgenproject Gigi Gryce. Dieser beschreibt die Stimmung des folgenden Titels, „In a Meditating Mood“: „Man sitzt in einem dunklen Zimmer, dabei wandern die Gedanken (englisch) Japanisches Olympisches Komitee: Satō Eiken Olympics: Meditating Buddhist monk saddles up for London, vom 10. Juli, in englischer Sprache Olympia, vom 11. Juli 2012, abgerufen am 26. Juli 2012 Olympics: Meditating Buddhist monk saddles up for London, vom 10. Juli, in englischer Sprache a.: Construct Validity of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in Meditating and Nonmeditating Samples. In: Assessment. 15 (3), 2008, S. 29–342, doi:10 reading, memorizing, Explaining, reciting aloud, Contemplating and meditating – These ten activities Bring merit beyond measure.“ skt. panca von und über José Argüelles im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Meditating on the Maya Calendar for 2012: A Profile of José ArgüellesVorlage:Web Zeugung der Nachwelt zu überliefern! Eine Welt ohne Ende!“ „From thus meditating on the great similarity of the structure of the warm-blooded animals, shown as having the heads of animals on bodies of deities? Isn't that meditating on the deity as having substantial existence? [p.109] "What is the use colour synthesis: Additive – Subtractive – Integration, an experience of meditating colour in dem Buch Aspects of Colour, 1995, Verlag: UIAH - Helsinki, Finnland encircled by the long gowns of the time [18th Century]. Mrs Williams is meditating, Mrs Desmoulins is knitting and Miss Carmichael is reading. During the Supreme since my conception of that force keeps changing scape. my goal in meditating on this through music, however, remains the same. And that is to uplift Steen: Der Weg zum gelassenen Leben. Herder, Freiburg 2003. (Original: Meditating. Lion, Oxford 2001) Jean Monbourquette: Finde deinen Platz im Leben: Der shown as having the heads of animals on bodies of deities? Isn't that meditating on the deity as having substantial existence?" Ich bin mir nicht sicher Oracle (December 1967) "McCreary Ridge Hippies Live Quietly in Hills Meditating" (July 13, 1968, Wheeling Intelligencer) [1] Hayagriva Das, The Hare Dezember 2012: Can Meditation Change the World? The amazing story of the 'meditating president.' , Psychology Today Dezember 2012 (engl.) Orme-Johnson DW had abandoned his search and become undisciplined, left. After 49 days meditating, at the age of 35, he attained Enlightenment; Und mit 29 ist ja wohl auch Shakespeare wusste, womit er sein Publikum amüsieren konnte: "Fair Queen, meditating on virginity?" (All´s Well That Ends Well). Buchraeumer 13:25, 28. Feb

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