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  • Informationen

    The domain name consists of 19 characters.

  • Wayback Machine

    The first entry in the Internet Archive is from 12.05.2013 and has been crawled 20 times.

  • inTLD

    In addition to the de - market the domain can also be found with these TLDs: info, com, online, org, net, eu

  • Dictionary

    The domain name can be found in in the en-dictionary.

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The term resource-efficiency“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

John M. Polimeni, Kozo Mayumi, Mario Giampietro, Blake Alcott: The Jevons Paradox and the Myth of Resource Efficiency Improvements. … Die Station besteht aus dem Community-Resource-Centre, einer … Energy Efficiency (DeGREEE) nach dem Prinzipien der angepassten Energien überholt. … Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics Australian Quarantine … Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency : Minister … Studium: Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning. Stadtplanung. Urban Design. Das Bachelor -/Master -Studiensystem soll in der HafenCity … Resource Transfer Efficiency , einen Indikator für die Effizienz von Nahrungsmittelhilfslieferungen. Rich Text Editor, einen Texteditor zur … Sie spiegelt sich im „UK Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2007“ wider. Die Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz hat bereits in der Vergangenheit einen … Triticum aestivum L.. Efficiency and stability of interspecific chromosome as well as gene transfer in hexaploid wheat, Triticum aestivum … schreibt „The Twelve Principles of Efficiency, Frank und Lillian … (Nachdruck in: Morgan Witzel: Human resource management. Thoemmes Press, … (Morgan Witzel: Human resource management. … Kanigel, Robert: The one best way : Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency. … 1980: Efficiency of food utilization by fruit bats. … 1975: Foraging patterns and resource utilization in seven species of bats in a … in Resource Interchange File Format : RIFF WAVE (Containerformat … High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding (HE-AAC), auch aacPlus oder AAC+ … welcher auch die international bekannte Zeitschrift Health & Efficiency publiziert. … Für die Texte … Einzelnachweise : resource. org/courts. … Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) beschlossen, … America's Byways Resource Center, Duluth, MN 2004; Online: url http … Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Institute | Kudakwashe Ndhlukula | | | | Namibian-German Centre for Logistics | Albin … Rent, Income distribution and orders of efficiency and rentability, in L. Pasinetti (a cura di), Essays on the theory of joint production, … Meyer, B., Distelkamp, M. & Wolter, M.I. (2007): Material Efficiency and Economic- Environmental Sustainability. Results of Simulations … "Income Distribution and Efficiency: The Role of Social Security"; mit M. Nerlove, A. Razin und E. Sadka; Public Finance 47(3), 1992, 462- … Stock-dependent Extraction Costs and the Technological Efficiency of Resource Depletion, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und … Economic … In discussions of economic policy, “Chicago” stands for belief in the efficiency of the free market as a means of organiziing resources, … CAFE Foundation | Comparative Aircraft Flight Efficiency … CRM | Crew Ressource Management ; Cockpit Resource Management |   | … Proceedings of 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington DC … For the development of the HMI high-efficiency discharge lamp for motion picture lighting“4. „ For the design of Panalite, a camera- … In: Annual Review of Resource Economics. … bombarded type II callus: Effect of gold particle size and callus morphology on transformation efficiency.“ … Hotelling: The economics of exhaustible resources, The Journal of … Market Efficiency and Cartel Behaviour in Oil Prices (June 16, 2004). … protocol for call control & resource management over a TCP/IP network … connected to public data networks, designed for efficiency at higher speeds …

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